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  1. #1
    The Buzz's Avatar
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    Default Sports betting public smarter than ever

    Good article about how Vegas sportsbooks are finding that sports bettors are getting more savvy thanks to the abundance of information out there at their fingertips ...

    How thin is the line between winning and losing for the books? Consider this: Las Vegas sports books lost money on the NFL in 2004 and 2005. Sure, the fact that an inordinate number of favorites covered the point spread factored in. But the public had to be armed with information to jump on those favorable spreads.
    Makes me wonder how Pinnacle is ever beats the public with their super low juice.

  2. #2
    matted's Avatar
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    Pinnicle actually does something most books do not do... They cater to the big dollar semi-professional (and even professional?) sports bettors. Most other books see signs of a pro and boot them. Those guys play with big money - and aren't as likely to bet the favorite every time.

    I will say though, a good, smart, well informed sports gambler should be able to beat the house overall.
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