I'm pleased to announce that earlier today we deployed some improvements to the GPWA forum software.
The most important change is that we installed "Thank You" support within the forums. On every post (except your own posts) you will now see a new "Thank You" button like the one below in the lower right corner of the post:
If you appreciate a particular post, then you can say "Thank You" by clicking on the "Thank You" button.
With the addition of this feature the forum software provides feedback in the form of what forum members have said thanks for particular posts, how many times forum members have been thanked for their posts, and how many times forum members have said thanks to others.
Personally, I just used this new feature to thank kwblue for suggesting that we implement this feature in the following post in the private forums - https://www.gpwa.org/forum/true-earn...tml#post491275. I'd like to encourage everyone to use this new feature to give fellow members a pat on the back when you appreciate a post they've made.
Also, as part of today's upgrade, we have migrated from vBulletin version 3.6.7 to 3.6.8. This new version was made available within the last month, and fixes some previously reported defects.