U.S. lobby group, the Poker Players' Alliance (PPA) advised its members today (Wednesday) that the U.S. House of Representatives�EUR™ Subcommittee for Commerce, Manufacturing, & Trade will hold a hearing on Internet gaming on Tuesday, October 25, 2011.

The subcommittee will hear from various, as yet unnamed, witnesses in an effort to gather information on the regulation of Internet gaming that it will use when examining the merits of Representative Joe Barton's proposed Online Poker Act of 2011 H.R. 2366, the group said.

Barton sits on the Sub-Committee along with thirteen other Republicans & nine Democrats.

The PPA's Executive Director John Pappas in an interview with respected online poker source Pocket Fives.com said: "The hearing may be more about internet gaming, but the Barton bill will be hard to ignore given that Barton sits on the subcommittee."

In its communication, the PPA urges its members whose U.S. representative is a member of the Sub-Committee to contact them on the issue before the hearing takes place.

The House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing & Trade is chaired by Mary Bono Mack of California's 45th congressional district & comprises:


Mary Bono Mack, California, Chairman

Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee, Vice Chair

Cliff Stearns, Florida

Charlie Bass, New Hampshire

Gregg Harper, Mississippi

Leonard Lance, New Jersey

Bill Cassidy, Louisiana

Brett Guthrie, Kentucky

Pete Olson, Texas

David McKinley, West Virginia

Mike Pompeo, Kansas

Adam Kinzinger, Illinois

Joe Barton, Texas

Fred Upton, Michigan


George Kenneth Butterfield, North Carolina

Charlie Gonzalez, Texas

Jim Matheson, Utah

John Dingell, Michigan

Ed Towns, New York

Bobby Rush, Illinois

Jan Schakowsky, Illinois

Mike Ross, Arkansas

Henry Waxman, California