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  1. #1
    GambleThenWin's Avatar
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    Default Vultr Doesn't Allow Gambling Sites on Their Network

    Have you had a problem where you have been forced to transfer your site to another server because the company where you have bought space doesn't allow gambling sites? This is what I received from Vultr, where me and my partner have bought server space in April 2015 when we launched the site:


    Nothing remotely related to gambling is permitted on our network. Evidence of gambling-related activities are grounds for account termination and banning. Please remove the domain
    immediately and let us know when this is complete.

    The instance is administratively powered down at the moment. You may restore power via
    to facilitate relocation of the site off our network. If we do not hear from you within the next 24 hours we will destroy the instance in question.

    Jeff Benfer
    Systems Administrator"

    This is stupid on so many levels, so we are now forced to relocate because of some stupid rule. After 1 year and 2 months of using their services we get this.

    P.S. Can you recommend where we should relocate?
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  2. #2
    universal4's Avatar
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    What bugs me the most about the attitude in the email is that they have all intention of destroying your data and only giving you 24 hours to recover it.

    Let's play the what-if game for a moment.

    Whatif, you run wordpress and do not have every single article in text format existing somewhere else and you have always counted on what you thought to be a trustworthy host to store backups for you?

    In essence, "they" could possibly have the absolute only copies of your data that exist, and they have already stated they plan on destroying it....unless you drop everything you are doing and beg them for a copy....that you PAID them and entrusted them to keep for you.

    Whatif you were on vacation, out of town for a conference, traveling on the road, in the hospital or otherwise indisposed for a few days and were not able to drop everything you were doing in order to beg them for a copy of your data?

    Now, sorry to hear this but if they have in their terms disallowing gaming or gambling sites you can't really fight the rule, BUT they certainly should be more reasonable about retrieving the data, and they should allow the site to be turned back on a few days so you can move it.

    As far as where to move to, there are a few threads here, either in general or freshman with a handful of recommendations of where to move to.


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    If you run wordpress and need to move the site, be sure to get a few database dumps (the .sgl files) as well as full ftp of the site.

    If you run a plugin that renames the admin, it's up to you, but I would encourage you to disable the rename part until after the site is moved as this helps get over the initial debug process of the move. (this depends partially on whether you have this renamed within the database or just use a plugin that redirects the default admin login)

    Depending on what host you move to whether the new host will help move the site, or at least be handy to help walk you through issues.

    Not sure what time zone you are in, but a few of us can possibly help if you get stuck....


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    GambleThenWin (21 June 2016)

  6. #4
    RacingJim is offline Public Member
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    Wow, they sound really unreasonable. Giving you 24 hours notice and powering down your server instance. Harsh. If someone did that to me I'd sue them for loss of revenue.

    By accepting your business for the last 1 year and 2 months I feel they have acted unfairly and quite probably unlwafully in just shutting you down like that.

  7. #5
    GambleThenWin's Avatar
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    Well, I don't think they will delete everything because the email said if we don't answer in 24 hours they will terminate us, so I guess they are giving us additional time to move. We have replied to them but haven't received an answer still, I guess they don't have 24/7 support so there will be answer in the morning (I am GMT+1).
    Anyway, thanks for the support universal4, we are looking for options and temporarily we will move to my partners personal server, which is not the best solution for a website, but will do until we decide were to move permanently. I just hope that our next pick for a hosting doesn't have this stupid rule about gambling sites, even though it's their right. The stupid part is that they needed a year to found out that we are a gambling site, and we weren't even aware of this non-gambling rule.
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  8. #6
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    Glad to hear you have a plan for a temporary move until you decide what to do long term....

    If there is anything you need, be sure to pop in and ask...

    If you do your own dns, immediately lower the TTL (time to live) on all sections of the zone so that the lower ttl's will propagate and future dns changes will propagate faster, once the site is in the permanent location, you can set the TTL's back to standard time frame.

    If your partner runs his own dns server, consider setting the domain to use his dns server until after all the moves as this will allow you to make a phone call to make dns changes until you are settled.


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  10. #7
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    They actually terminated our account the next day despite the fact that the website was moved, luckily my partner managed to move the other websites that we had there (non-gambling sites). So, people, avoid Vultr at all cost. Their services are some of the best, but they proved to be very unfair.
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  11. #8
    Syndicate is offline Public Member
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    What an attitude - Was it part of their terms and conditions when you signed up to their service? Which country are they located? I've not heard anything that unreasonable for a long time!

  12. #9
    GambleThenWin's Avatar
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    Maybe it's our fault for not reading the terms and conditions (I don't know if it specifies this rule, and now I don't care anymore because they have made their decision).
    It never occurred to us that there may be a rule like that, but it's definitely unfair to cut us off like that without a pardon, after all they let us stay there for an entire year without even noticing us. At least they could have shown a bit of a will to let us go peacefully and part our ways as a thanks for being their customers for all of that time After all we paid for our services.
    Nevertheless, they are from New Jersey as I can see at their website
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  13. #10
    alexmorco is offline Brand New Member
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    I have never tried gambling website but I am using WordPress on vultr with Cloudways managed WordPress hosting platform, never faced any issue.

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