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  1. #21
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    Mojo - Please don't go, I like these debates around conference and also reading your post.....If you aren't here it isn't fun!

    Gamtrack - We haven't banned anyone from coming or attending. I honestly know nothing about the Lou deal. And re Grand Prive, one person tried to register as an affiliate so we obviously pushed back on that and haven't heard anything since
    iGB Affiliate - The biggest magazine and events for affiliates in igaming

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by mojo View Post
    I just don't belong, and I will say why I'm out, because I'm not the only one.
    Go first.

    Bring Swampy with.

    I am sure Michael will assist you with Righthaven and take you along to a conference as close to where you live as possible.

    It's the kind of guy he struck me as at Ice last Jan.

    Somehow he'll make a few bob doing it too, so don't take your purse.

  3. #23
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    Re. Lou, I believe ( emphasis on believe, I am not privy to the contract between Lou and Warren) that Lou had a "no compete" clause in the sales contract for CAP. That is the norm with the sale of large websites. Which may account for any possible barrier to attend the conferences, but I had never heard of it myself, so this is all speculation.

    Mojo, I thought you enjoyed yourself in Vegas? We only met briefly, but I felt a connection, and I was pretty sure you had a good time meeting everyone...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexpratt View Post
    Mojo - Please don't go, I like these debates around conference and also reading your post.....If you aren't here it isn't fun!
    So I've heard! That's funny. You are always patient with me Alex and gracious. I don't know how you do it. lol

    I think my problem started when I was reading posts some years ago saying something like anyone who doesn't attend is not serious about their business', or 'In order to succeed you must go'. Things like that giving a false impression to new affs who dont know this is not true. I felt the motivation for that was $$$$$ of course. I was turned off from the start I guess.

    Over the years we hear things like 'he's the nicest guy, he's my friend'. A couple months later they are belly up, and we are left with nothing. While meeting people is great, I feel that once friendships are formed there may be a skewer towards less critisism that a program would normally receive had they not schmoozed a bit.

    The money. Confs are a huge part of our industry and many dollars go into these things. I've heard the arguments that we have no right to tell programs what they can do with their money. This is true. However, it is not unreasonable to object when commission rates go down, terms are changed and many affs are struggling to meet the rent. One can't deny that the money we see around at these events leave a bitter taste when we read the posts of frustrated affs trying to get paid. Sometimes for very small amounts but they really need the money.

    We only need look at CM to see the legit PABS, complaints and slow pay from players. Yet we see these same programs attending events. I know my Dad wouldn't let me go out on Fri night until I did the dishes. I think this point is self explanatory. Sometimes I wonder if we are putting as much effort into player satisfaction as we do these events. Perhaps incorporating players into these, that's who we should be catering to. I think I've seen some occasions where players were invited. It may also help narrow the rift between affs and players.

    Finally, who goes? Hundreds and hundreds of GW player complaints yet GW attends. I'm not sure if they have a booth or not. Maybe someone can explain how this works when a program is not in good standing. The arguments that 'who's to say who's in good standing' is not a reason not to find a solution. Marty at GW has been paying outstanding players and may even qualify again. However, if there are any outstanding issues from a program, they should be required to get everything in a good place before being able to attend. Terms are changed and predatory, yet these programs attend as well. That may sound like a lot of work and I know Alex doesn't police. We've heard that before too. But maybe there could be some simple checks in place and not get overly complicated.

    We've already discussed the massive emails and posts and confs info are on most aff sites, some even have popups. For months beforehand. TBH it is making me crazier than I already am. I suggest programs make a separate newsletter just for confs so that we can opt out. When reading a newsletter, we must sift through the conf info to see what the newsletter is all about.

    I won't go on or I'll write a tome. I know most don't agree with me and I'm outnumbered. All I can do is not attend. I am glad to see real talk here and that means a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dominique
    Mojo, I thought you enjoyed yourself in Vegas? We only met briefly, but I felt a connection, and I was pretty sure you had a good time meeting everyone...
    There was definiatly a connection! It was really great to meet you (and the rest of the AGD). I hope to see you again sometime. I often agree with you pov in posts and your perspective has sometimes led me to rethink things in a new way. I hope that what I say is not taken personally because I really am very fond of the affs I've met.

    It's the big business events and huge presence in the industry of these events that could be taken advantage and maybe some leverage to help with aff/player problems. I don't feel that we are using the events in their full potential in this regard.

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  6. #25
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    Hi Paula,

    You've made several good points in your post, esp regarding who the conferences are willing to allow to set up booths and promote their brand.

    If a program who sets up a booth, has a known bad reputation for not paying affiliates, and other unethical behavior, then recruits new afiliates who are then ripped off, it does look bad.

    Is it better to be bigger, or more selective? The cost of running a conference is also a consideration. If it can't be run w/o the financial support of known conmen, is it worthwhile in the first place?

    People are going to "meet" and "confer", regardless of the area of interest, that's not going to change. Being independent contractors, we each have to decide how we will spend our time and money. I may go to a conference each year, but it may be "Comic Con" or "The
    International Palaeontological Congress", and that's a fun group who like to bend their elbows! I even went to the Presidential Inauguration, which wasn't a "conference" but served my purpose (and it was freaking-a$$ cold!!)

    Just as important, if not more so is the fact that on several occasions, aff mgrs have said that affiliate payments were late b/c "they were at a conference"!! "Screw you", was my interpretation. That is totally unacceptable.

    Just as with sifting through the dreck, deciding which conferences are worthwhile, and which a waste of time, is another part of the job. If you think you may want to go to a particular conference in the future, you might check out the list of who was at the last one.

    As for the emails, if the subject is "conference etc." and I'm not interested it goes in the circular file unread. If there's more info in there too, it won't be seen. Too bad.
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