We set up a page on facebook about the GPWA cocktail party a couple weeks ago. So far over 100 people have indicated they are going to be there, and another 40 have said they might be. And there have been 25 posts on our facebook wall about the party.
We'd like to encourage more of you to indicate if you'll be there on facebook, so I'm pleased to announce we will have some door prizes at the cocktail party exclusively for people who have let us know they will be there with a quick RSVP on our facebook page for the party.
The party will be held on the first day of the conference (April 3rd) from 5pm to 7pm in the Amsterdam room at the Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel where the Casino Affiliate Convention is also being held.
It will be a great place to relax and network with other members before heading off for evening meals and activities. In addition to a great time and good conversation, there will be a full open bar and a great selection of hor d'oeuvres.
Please give our sponsors AffiliateClub.com and Wager Junction and their affiliate managers and GPWA liaisons Claire Leighton and Greg Gomez a big thanks for joining us in sponsoring this party for everyone.
And, don't forget to RSVP on our facebook page for the party for a chance to win one of our door prizes. Just follow the link www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=9403556526 to let us know whether or not we'll see you there.