MEMBER ACTIVITYPosts: 31Posts Per Day: 0.01 Last Activity: 17 Jun 2013 Join Date: 31 Mar 2010 | PERSONAL INFORMATIONNative Language: EnglishOther Language: German Location: Sydney Occupation: Director etc. |
BIOGRAPHYStarted in online gaming when I discovered the concept of Sports Arbitrage Trading. Before making Sports Arbitrage Guide I had just finished my degree in Molecular Biology (Hons) and Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science. Outside of working on my sites I enjoy playing MOBA genre games and partaking in extreme sports/outdoor sports/adventure sports sorts of stuff. | |
GPWA TIMES MAGAZINEHe separates the possible from the sales pitch in sports arbitrage tradingInterview with Aegist - Issue 25, June 2013 Shane discusses how he makes money at arbitrage trading, why people advertise it as "risk free" and the challenges of providing good arbitrage-related content. |