MEMBER ACTIVITYPosts: 14Last Activity: 25 Jun 2013 Join Date: 19 Jun 2013 | PERSONAL INFORMATIONLocation: UKInterests: film, TV, chess, music, soccer, cricket Occupation: CEO |
BIOGRAPHYI spent 2 years working for someone else on their betting site, before deciding to take the plunge and start out on my own. Best Free Betting is a partnership between myself and a couple of friends and former colleagues. We decided to take a fresh approach to a free bets site. While most sites seem to favour quantity over quality, we prefer to go the opposite way. We don't feel that we can honestly recommend a bookmaker to others if we haven't used them ourselves. So we decided to feature only the biggest, best, most reliable and most reputable online bookmakers on a site that was based on real recommendations from real people. Hence, Best Free Betting was born! |