If you are trying hard to target a particular geographic market, then nothing beats being able to work with an affiliate manager that speaks the native language of that market. And if you speak a particular language yourself, then being able to communicate with an affiliate manager that speaks your language makes a big difference. The affiliate programs know this, and many of them are expanding their affiliate management staff with affiliate managers that know the markets in which their brands are being promoted and speak the native language.
At the GPWA, we view that one of our major goals is to help connect affiliates and affiliate managers. So, we've been putting the information and infrastructure in place necessary to allow us to do this based on the languages that affiliate managers speak and their level of proficiency in those languages.
So far we have received responses to our surveys about language skills from thirty sponsor programs with information about one hundred affiliate program managers. Those affiliate managers speak 19 different languages. In order of frequency, they are: English (100), Spanish (19), French (18 ), Hebrew (10), Italian (10), Afrikaans (6), Swedish (6), German (5), Mandarin (3), Cantonese (2), Dutch (2), Greek (2), Portuguese (2), Russian (2), Arabic (1), Chinese (1), Danish (1), Norwegian (1), and Turkish (1). And as more affiliate programs provide us with this information we'll have even more languages and more information about affiliate managers that speak those languages.
I'm pleased to announce that today we are making this information visible on the GPWA website through a number of new features.
First, on the top navigation under Affiliate Programs, in the Program Directory, the information we provide for each affiliate program has been expanded. For each affiliate program manager (when we have the information) we now list the native language(s) they speak, and also other languages they speak together with their proficiency levels in those languages. Since affiliate programs have also given us many new affiliate manager contacts as part of this project, we've also been able to add a lot of new affiliate managers contacts to our information about each program. For an example of an affiliate program page for an affiliate program that has a number of different affiliate managers speaking a number of different languages take a look at BrightShare Network.
Second, on the top navigation under Affiliate Programs, in the Program Gaming Sites search, we have made some important enhancements. Before the updates we made today you could find out there were 80 gaming sites offered through our sponsor affiliate programs that where you could play in German. And you could also find out that only 69 of the associated websites were in German. Now you can also find out that only eight of those sites are associated with a sponsor program that has an affiliate manager who speaks German (at least based on the data we have received so far).
Of course, we've also updated the individual member profile pages for affiliate program managers. They include the new information we've added about languages spoken too.