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  1. #1
    misapuestasnet is offline New Member
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    Angry Affutd is a scam??

    The story is too long to explain, but are mainly two points . This story posted here a couple of months ago, but the company's management Affu contacted me and asked me to delete it in exchange for paying the slope. I did it in exchange for what I paid slope, which they recognized as it was mine . Today , I have not taken , which I will talk again, in fact this story will come out soon in a Spanish newspaper , as a case of problems with bookmakers.

    - I still do not charge what Miapuesta slope , it's been many months of buying the house and William Hill does not pay their debts. Even you have not done and now it seems that it will not.

    - I had an account with William Hill to announce that you never use , because I do not look very attractive . It turns out that with the new platform and close Sportingbet , the Spanish manager convinced me to try with William Hill.
    It starts well in December with the new platform Netrefeller . I begin to see good commissions reaching 900 dollars , but suddenly , in late December start to fall . On 28 December suddenly put a negative amount $-1,875.60 of November...November Was a negative charge that affects me on December 28 ? But also in November was not that platform.
    Ask and tell me it's not, not to worry , I have a positive balance ... In fact, in January in my profile that I paid $ 449.
    These days , I see that I still cash it ( it is December and we are in February) . Nobody answers in many days is there anyone in the company ?

    Well answer me today and tells me I have a negative balance, why not charge anything. And interestingly , they charged me another negative balance in December just as in January , Exactly the same amount ... -1,875.60
    My experience tells me that you are inventing , is very suspicious , do not pay the debt and not pay Sportingbet generated with the William Hill suspiciously fabricated charges and negative charges ..

    In short, put on the web whole story with screenshots of everything ( emails and platform) to prove I'm not lying

    ************************************************** *********************************
    La historia es muy larga de explicar, pero son dos puntos principalmente. Esta historia la publique aquí hace un par de meses, pero los managers de Affu me contactaron y me pidieron borrarlo a cambio de pagar lo pendiente. Lo hice a cambio de que me pagarán lo pendiente, que ellos reconocieron como que era mío. Hoy, aún no he cobrado, con lo cual voy a volver a hablar, de hecho esta historia saldrá en breve en un periódico español, como un caso de problemas con casas de apuestas.

    - Yo Sigo sin cobrar lo pendiente de Miapuesta, ya han pasado muchos meses de la compra de esa casa y William Hill no paga sus deudas. Aun no lo ha hecho y de momento parece que no lo hará.

    - Tania una cuenta en William Hill que nunca use para anunciarlo, pues no me parecía muy atractivo hacerlo. Resulta que con la nueva plataforma y al cerrar Miapuesta, el manager español me convence de probar con William Hill.
    Todo empieza bien en Diciembre, con la nueva plataforma en Netrefeller. Empiezo a ver buenas comisiones que llegan a 900 dolares, pero de repente, a finales de diciembre empiezan a bajar. El día 28 de repente, ponen un importe negativo de 1,875.60 dólares de Noviembre que me afecta a diciembre ¿cómo puede ser eso? ¿un cargo de Noviembre negativo que me afecta el 28 de diciembre? Pero si además en Noviembre no estaba esa plataforma.
    Pregunto y me dicen que no es así, que no me preocupe, que tengo saldo positivo... De hecho, en enero aparece en mi perfil que tengo un pago de 449 dólares.
    Estos días, veo que sigo sin cobrarlo (es de diciembre y estamos en Febrero). Nadie responde en muchos días ¿no hay nadie en la empresa?
    Pues hoy me responden, y me dice que tengo saldo negativo, por eso no cobre nada. Y curiosamente, me han cargado otro saldo negativo en Enero exactamente igual en Enero... la misma cantidad, 1,875.60
    Mi experiencia me dice que se lo están inventando, es muy sospechoso, no pagan la deuda de Miapuesta y no quieren pagar lo generado con William Hill y cargan sospechosamente cargos inventados negativos..La historia es muy larga de explicar, pero son dos puntos principalmente. Esta historia la publique aquí hace un par de meses, pero los managers de Affutd me contactaron y me pidieron borrarlo a cambio de pagar lo pendiente. Lo hice a cambio de que me pagarán lo pendiente, que ellos reconocieron como que era mío. Hoy, aún no he cobrado, con lo cual voy a volver a hablar, de hecho esta historia saldrá en breve en un periódico español, como un caso de problemas con casas de apuestas.

    - Yo Sigo sin cobrar lo pendiente de Miapuesta, ya han pasado muchos meses de la compra de esa casa y William Hill no paga sus deudas. Aun no lo ha hecho y de momento parece que no lo hará.

    - Yo tenía una cuenta en William Hill que nunca use para anunciarlo, pues no me parecía muy atractivo hacerlo. Resulta que con la nueva plataforma y al cerrar Miapuesta, el manager español me convence de probar con William Hill.
    Todo empieza bien en Diciembre, con la nueva plataforma en Netrefeller. Empiezo a ver buenas comisiones que llegan a 900 dolares, pero de repente, a finales de diciembre empiezan a bajar. El día 28 de repente, ponen un importe negativo de más de 1400 dólares de Noviembre que me afecta a diciembre ¿cómo puede ser eso? ¿un cargo de Noviembre negativo que me afecta el 28 de diciembre? Pero si además en Noviembre no estaba esa plataforma.
    Pregunto y me dicen que no es así, que no me preocupe, que tengo saldo positivo... De hecho, en enero aparece en mi perfil que tengo un pago de 449 dólares.
    Estos días, veo que sigo sin cobrarlo (es de diciembre y estamos en Febrero). Nadie responde en muchos días ¿no hay nadie en la empresa?
    Pues hoy me responden, y me dice que tengo saldo negativo, por eso no cobre nada. Y curiosamente, me han cargado otro saldo negativo en Enero exactamente igual en Enero...
    Mi experiencia me dice que se lo están inventando, es muy sospechoso, no pagan la deuda de Miapuesta y no quieren pagar lo generado con William Hill y cargan sospechosamente cargos inventados negativos..

    En breve contaré esta historia en mi web y allí pondré la historia completa y con fotos y capturas de los emails y las imágenes de la plataforma donde podré demostrar lo que digo.
    Last edited by misapuestasnet; 13 February 2014 at 7:56 pm.

  2. #2
    efipe is offline Former Affiliate Manager
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    i am Efi from affiliates united
    i am sorry that you feel that way, but i am sure there is a way before coming and positing in GPWA to solve the issue with us.
    i will be happy if you can speak with me directly so i can understand exactly what was the problem and how can i help.
    our account managers will always be happy to help you
    please also send an email to your account manager and we will all discuss it together.
    untill then i kindly asking you to remove the page on your side because you are using also our branded logos and banners you created your self to tell your story about William hill( its not legal)

  3. #3
    justbookies is offline Private Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by efipe View Post
    ( its not legal)

  4. #4
    -Shay- is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by efipe View Post
    i am Efi from affiliates united
    i am sorry that you feel that way, but i am sure there is a way before coming and positing in GPWA to solve the issue with us.
    i will be happy if you can speak with me directly so i can understand exactly what was the problem and how can i help.
    our account managers will always be happy to help you
    please also send an email to your account manager and we will all discuss it together.
    untill then i kindly asking you to remove the page on your side because you are using also our branded logos and banners you created your self to tell your story about William hill( its not legal)
    What exactly is being called "not legal"?

    Affutd is a scam??

    The story is too long to explain, but are mainly two points . This story posted here a couple of months ago, but the company's management Affu contacted me and asked me to delete it in exchange for paying the slope. I did it in exchange for what I paid slope, which they recognized as it was mine . Today , I have not taken , which I will talk again, in fact this story will come out soon in a Spanish newspaper , as a case of problems with bookmakers.

    - I still do not charge what Miapuesta slope , it's been many months of buying the house and William Hill does not pay their debts. Even you have not done and now it seems that it will not.

    - I had an account with William Hill to announce that you never use , because I do not look very attractive . It turns out that with the new platform and close Sportingbet , the Spanish manager convinced me to try with William Hill.
    It starts well in December with the new platform Netrefeller . I begin to see good commissions reaching 900 dollars , but suddenly , in late December start to fall . On 28 December suddenly put a negative amount $-1,875.60 of November...November Was a negative charge that affects me on December 28 ? But also in November was not that platform.
    Ask and tell me it's not, not to worry , I have a positive balance ... In fact, in January in my profile that I paid $ 449.
    These days , I see that I still cash it ( it is December and we are in February) . Nobody answers in many days is there anyone in the company ?

    Well answer me today and tells me I have a negative balance, why not charge anything. And interestingly , they charged me another negative balance in December just as in January , Exactly the same amount ... -1,875.60
    My experience tells me that you are inventing , is very suspicious , do not pay the debt and not pay Sportingbet generated with the William Hill suspiciously fabricated charges and negative charges ..

    In short, put on the web whole story with screenshots of everything ( emails and platform) to prove I'm not lying

    ************************************************** *********************************
    La historia es muy larga de explicar, pero son dos puntos principalmente. Esta historia la publique aquí hace un par de meses, pero los managers de Affu me contactaron y me pidieron borrarlo a cambio de pagar lo pendiente. Lo hice a cambio de que me pagarán lo pendiente, que ellos reconocieron como que era mío. Hoy, aún no he cobrado, con lo cual voy a volver a hablar, de hecho esta historia saldrá en breve en un periódico español, como un caso de problemas con casas de apuestas.

    - Yo Sigo sin cobrar lo pendiente de Miapuesta, ya han pasado muchos meses de la compra de esa casa y William Hill no paga sus deudas. Aun no lo ha hecho y de momento parece que no lo hará.

    - Tania una cuenta en William Hill que nunca use para anunciarlo, pues no me parecía muy atractivo hacerlo. Resulta que con la nueva plataforma y al cerrar Miapuesta, el manager español me convence de probar con William Hill.
    Todo empieza bien en Diciembre, con la nueva plataforma en Netrefeller. Empiezo a ver buenas comisiones que llegan a 900 dolares, pero de repente, a finales de diciembre empiezan a bajar. El día 28 de repente, ponen un importe negativo de 1,875.60 dólares de Noviembre que me afecta a diciembre ¿cómo puede ser eso? ¿un cargo de Noviembre negativo que me afecta el 28 de diciembre? Pero si además en Noviembre no estaba esa plataforma.
    Pregunto y me dicen que no es así, que no me preocupe, que tengo saldo positivo... De hecho, en enero aparece en mi perfil que tengo un pago de 449 dólares.
    Estos días, veo que sigo sin cobrarlo (es de diciembre y estamos en Febrero). Nadie responde en muchos días ¿no hay nadie en la empresa?
    Pues hoy me responden, y me dice que tengo saldo negativo, por eso no cobre nada. Y curiosamente, me han cargado otro saldo negativo en Enero exactamente igual en Enero... la misma cantidad, 1,875.60
    Mi experiencia me dice que se lo están inventando, es muy sospechoso, no pagan la deuda de Miapuesta y no quieren pagar lo generado con William Hill y cargan sospechosamente cargos inventados negativos..La historia es muy larga de explicar, pero son dos puntos principalmente. Esta historia la publique aquí hace un par de meses, pero los managers de Affutd me contactaron y me pidieron borrarlo a cambio de pagar lo pendiente. Lo hice a cambio de que me pagarán lo pendiente, que ellos reconocieron como que era mío. Hoy, aún no he cobrado, con lo cual voy a volver a hablar, de hecho esta historia saldrá en breve en un periódico español, como un caso de problemas con casas de apuestas.

    - Yo Sigo sin cobrar lo pendiente de Miapuesta, ya han pasado muchos meses de la compra de esa casa y William Hill no paga sus deudas. Aun no lo ha hecho y de momento parece que no lo hará.

    - Yo tenía una cuenta en William Hill que nunca use para anunciarlo, pues no me parecía muy atractivo hacerlo. Resulta que con la nueva plataforma y al cerrar Miapuesta, el manager español me convence de probar con William Hill.
    Todo empieza bien en Diciembre, con la nueva plataforma en Netrefeller. Empiezo a ver buenas comisiones que llegan a 900 dolares, pero de repente, a finales de diciembre empiezan a bajar. El día 28 de repente, ponen un importe negativo de más de 1400 dólares de Noviembre que me afecta a diciembre ¿cómo puede ser eso? ¿un cargo de Noviembre negativo que me afecta el 28 de diciembre? Pero si además en Noviembre no estaba esa plataforma.
    Pregunto y me dicen que no es así, que no me preocupe, que tengo saldo positivo... De hecho, en enero aparece en mi perfil que tengo un pago de 449 dólares.
    Estos días, veo que sigo sin cobrarlo (es de diciembre y estamos en Febrero). Nadie responde en muchos días ¿no hay nadie en la empresa?
    Pues hoy me responden, y me dice que tengo saldo negativo, por eso no cobre nada. Y curiosamente, me han cargado otro saldo negativo en Enero exactamente igual en Enero...
    Mi experiencia me dice que se lo están inventando, es muy sospechoso, no pagan la deuda de Miapuesta y no quieren pagar lo generado con William Hill y cargan sospechosamente cargos inventados negativos..

    En breve contaré esta historia en mi web y allí pondré la historia completa y con fotos y capturas de los emails y las imágenes de la plataforma donde podré demostrar lo que digo.

    Last edited by misapuestasnet; Yesterday at 7:56 pm.

  5. #5
    Scampi's Avatar
    Scampi is offline Private Member
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    What exactly is being called "not legal"?
    The logo on the front page ( However this is legal, and I am really surprised that a person speaking on behalf of William Hill would make such a misguided public statement.

    The logo has not been edited or modified in anyway, the text around it has been added to a blue background (William Hills trademark colour), but that does not form part of the logo.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Scampi For This Useful Post:

    -Shay- (14 February 2014)

  7. #6
    -Shay- is offline Public Member
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    Ah, surely that falls under fair use.

  8. #7
    stevestan is offline Public Member
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    I have exactly the same problem, month after month, problem after problem, they seem to fix the figures to suit them, and funnily enough I had nearly the same thing happen to me. I have commission errors on my account t for months now and they won't explain it or fix the problem. I gained about £1000 of revenue and was looking forward to a nice commission, only to have them change my comission rate without my permission so instead of earning a nice £700 at 70% instead I received a fraction of the calculation with no explanation! I have made countless call, sent so many emails, and still the problem is still there.

    The worst thing is when I logged into my account this morning expecting a payment to be processed to put a end to this misery, I instead read on my login page that my payment has been cancelled, again no reason.

    I contacted the support team and guess what, they can't tell me, I already emailed my AM this week asking if there was going to be a problem, yet here I am again, explaining the same story over and ever and over again, nobody seems to listen and nobody can answer me, definitely the worst affiliate business I have ever had the miss pleasure of joining.

    they fix the figures to suit them and I have the proof! As I was clever enough to take screen captures of the problem.

    Thanks a lot Affutd for making my experience with you a terrible memory that I wish to forget.

  9. #8
    misapuestasnet is offline New Member
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    Well I've been waiting months to pay me... What you think quickly? Mi account manager is Luis Sandel, he don´t reply since 29 december 2013.. what do you think about this?

    I have removed your logo banner, ok, I understand it can be illegal if you have protected, but it is also illegal not to pay the outstanding or not replay to emails for payment
    Last edited by misapuestasnet; 14 February 2014 at 8:37 am.

  10. #9
    efipe is offline Former Affiliate Manager
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    i will be happy to help you, please contact me via email or Skype so we can discuss your open issues

  11. #10
    efipe is offline Former Affiliate Manager
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    banner is still up on your home page
    i kindly ask you again to remove it and talk to me via email

  12. #11
    misapuestasnet is offline New Member
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    Sorry, but the picture that I have on my website no longer have your logo ... I can put the pictures you want on my website or ads...
    And while I do not solve the problem or contact me to solve it, I will certainly post it. I'm in my right to do so, until I put your logo or edit a logo imitating your identity.

    I have contacted several times with you and either you respond not you answer me or with clip answers. I'm waiting for more than 1 month to answer me in Spanish my manager, and he ignores my emails. Therefore, I will ignore requests or information not put banners on my website explaining the problem with william hill.

    PD: I don´t speak english very well, it´s imposible to me use skype to speak with you.

    Lo siento, pero la imagen que tengo en mi web ya no tiene vuestro logo... yo puedo poner las imágenes que quiera en mi web o anuncios.
    Y mientras no me solucionen el problema o me contacten para solucionarlo, no dejaré de ponerlo. Estoy en mi derecho de hacerlo, mientras no ponga vuestro logo o edite un logo imitando vuestra identidad.

    He contactado varias veces con vosotros y o bien no me respondéis o respondéis con respuestas prediseñadas. Estoy esperando más de 1 mes que me responda mi manager en español, y el ignora mis emails. Por lo tanto, yo ignoraré las peticiones de no poner banners o información en mi web explicando el problema con william hill.

  13. #12
    Paradox100 is offline Private Member
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    I confirm. In November of nowhere appeared debit $ 800 from the account, although all these years has been inactive account, deposits and was not to take this sum was also nowhere. However, since activity on my account was not, I did not attach importance to this write-off amount. After that I advertise this office for a nominal fee and a half months can not get the money.

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    Last edited by Paradox100; 25 March 2014 at 6:16 am.

  14. #13
    comparepandauk is offline Public Member
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    Why Affutd team is so irresponsible even when an affiliate needs their help at the meantime they do not have any solution to resolve it. Most of the people had bad experience with Affutd now a days.

  15. #14
    NHLinden is offline Non-sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Quote Originally Posted by comparepandauk View Post
    Why Affutd team is so irresponsible even when an affiliate needs their help at the meantime they do not have any solution to resolve it. Most of the people had bad experience with Affutd now a days.
    Hi comparepandauk,

    Can you be more specific with the current issue you're having?

    You can do it by email to me and Efi Peleg so we can have someone get in touch with you soon and help you.


  16. #15
    comparepandauk is offline Public Member
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    Thanks a lot NHLinden! I appreciate your instant access. I have mailed this post link to my friend who was facing some problems. He may soon contact you on the given mail if there any interest will be on his side. Thanks

  17. #16
    stevestan is offline Public Member
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    AffUtd Avoid like the plague, you wont get paid!!! Just look everywhere online and try and find good feedback about them, you'll be lucky

    I myself have had nothing but trouble with AffUtd, I joined them just before christmas 2013, and have had nothing but problem after problem.
    Anyone considering joining them needs to have a good read of other very similar posts to this one. I have included a list of problems I have had with them over the last 5 months.

    1. First off, it doesn't matter how much revenue you earn for them, they will still treat you like a muppet and get out of paying you.

    2. They doctor the figures and stats hoping you wont notice so they dont have to pay you that much.

    3. If you earn $400 revenue at 25% commission you would think you would be paid $100, nope first off you would be luck to get paid and if you do, they will only pay you 10% and thats if your lucky.

    4. They doctor your stats on the fly and try to do anything to get out of paying you any money.

    5. Customer service is the worst, no matter how simple the question you might have, it will still take them days to get back to you if ever.

    6. The worst thing of all is they changed my payment threshold to $1.000.000 so I won't get paid, even when they owe you 100's.

    7. They lie, they cheat, and will do anything to get out of paying you.

    and finally I would like to say that I have never in my life experienced such a dodgy business, every month their was a problem. Ive given up on ever getting paid by them and Im so annoyed at them I will be devoting and hour every day for the next few months to let everyone know a how terrible they really are.

  18. #17
    stevestan is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paradox100 View Post
    I confirm. In November of nowhere appeared debit $ 800 from the account, although all these years has been inactive account, deposits and was not to take this sum was also nowhere. However, since activity on my account was not, I did not attach importance to this write-off amount. After that I advertise this office for a nominal fee and a half months can not get the money.

    Name:  d64eb9a9e29c.jpg
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    This is exactly what im on about, good luck in getting your money though and dont rely on the stats as they will change them to suit them. bloody muppets.

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