Can anybody recommend a good automatic article submitter. A free one would be great, but i'll happily pay for a decent one. Thanks.
Can anybody recommend a good automatic article submitter. A free one would be great, but i'll happily pay for a decent one. Thanks.
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pokerextras (10 June 2009)
Thanks. Do you know if it's fully automated, ie, i click once and it does everything for me? And do you know if it accurately fills in the category, as alot of directories automatically refuse articles submitted to the wrong category. Thanks again.
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Not tried that one but have found similar ones to be mostly pretty worthless.
There's nothing like hard work.
pokerextras (10 June 2009)
Thanks casinojack. Do you use article post robot regularly? Do you find that the links gained from it make a realistic difference to your google position?
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well, yes and no, let me explain.
I post articles under many different names, and use spinning to create that same article many different ways.
If you haven't used this type of software before is amazing. Many free version of this, but I don't want to side track you too much, but please looking to it, is vital.
Used in conjunction with an over plan is HUGE !!
I use them for all my sites in my "mini nets" and main portal sites.
Also, I think you might want to look in to press releases also with this same strat.
if you want ore details, i can set up a video webinar for you and show you some examples
pokerextras (10 June 2009)
Does article post robot automatically spin the articles or will i need a seperate spinning tool, and can you recommend a good one. The few i've tried have just rearranged the paragraphs so nothing makes sense. Also, what's the relevance of posting under different names? How does it make a difference? Thanks for your help. It's great to find someone with experience of these tools, as i've tried looking for reviews on the net, but they're all just affiliates.
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Np my friend
a good spinner works like this:
Casino Jack is the smartest guy I know, and all girls want to have his babies.
Now we take this "fact", and want to spin it different ways , more or less like this:
Casino Jack is the {smartest|greatest|coolest} {guy|dude} I know, and all {girls|chicks|babes|woman} want to have his {babies|night of love}.
Then u say spin
and as you might guess it will take a random selection of each word and make new sentences, over nad over. You do this per sentence per paragraph.
now brad callens is nice, SEnuke etc
I kind of like brad's software, check it here:
I had a free version( ok the crack) would up buying it as I use it a lot.
EDIT: jetspinner is free, works good
checkit here after if u need
after that if you need a list of places to submit
Last edited by casinojack; 10 June 2009 at 6:33 pm.
With a statement like that, there's no real need to spin it. I'm trying jetspinner now as the spinner seems good, and the submitter that works alongside it is very fairly priced, so it's worth a shot. Have you had any experience with jetsubmitter? Also, i'm sorry to drive you crazy, but did the different names thing have any relevance? And do you think that article directory backlinks carry the same weight as links from websites? Thanks again for your help. It's been invaluable.
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never tried submitter myself, but heard good things
yes had relevance,,,is what i wanted to do, and keep people guessing....
as fasr as last question, links are good..ignore those silly people who tell u about "bad links" hurting your rankings.....they miss the big picture...good luck
pokerextras (10 June 2009)
I bought / use article submitter, it stinks compared to what i expected but is better than nothing. It often gets the category wrong but what is most frustrating is if the guy who created it would have allowed us to choose the category ... it would be a pretty good software.
as it is .. I have to go thru and change category on a lot of sites (it tells you what category was submitted to .. on what site)
I have read that the jet submitter sucks but haven't used it myself.
I think Brad Cullen has something to do with article submitter but couldn't tell you to take that to the bank.
Also many of the article exchange sites have become ever-increasingly unfriendly to auto submitters so beware they may have seen their day.
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