
  1. If it's not funny

    by , 25 April 2009 at 9:03 am
    It's not funny.

    So now you know.

    Updated 8 March 2014 at 3:42 pm by joeyl (Getting the spelling rite.)

  2. The Blogging Bandwagon Has Rolled Into Town

    by , 24 April 2009 at 9:52 am
    Blogging has turned into a bandwagon that is scaring the bejeazus out of the money hungry media whores. Scary enough for big firms like the Mirror Group to open up more blogs on more subjects, written by journalists, than one can shake a stick at.

    The theory is blogs will become easier to monetize in the future and could be the new way to advertise. Where there's advertisements, there are always corporate blowhards fighting to eradicate the little guy.

    It's the way of ...