
  1. Jackpot Update

    by , 24 November 2009 at 6:43 pm
    A quick update, the Oz Lotto jackpot was not won this week and has now risen to $30 Million.

    I've posted more information about the jackpot and also the Powerball jackpot in our forum area, make sure you check it out!

  2. Monday is Here!

    by , 23 November 2009 at 12:47 am
    Hope everyone had a good weekend and is looking forward to another exciting week. As I mentioned last week, I was at my parents place this weekend out in the country and well, it was hot!

    We've had some really high temps in Queensland the last couple of weeks, so it's back to the beach for me this coming weekend! :joy:

    Also, I wanted to remind you all about the two big jackpots this week - Oz Lotto on Tuesday night - [B]$20 Million[/B] and Powerball on Thursday night - ...
  3. Happy Friday!

    by , 19 November 2009 at 8:07 pm
    Happy Friday folks, I hope everyone has had a productive and successful week and is looking forward to the weekend.

    I am off to my parents for the weekend, they live out in the country in a literal "one pub town" so it's going to be entertaining as always. Perhaps I'll upload some photos of the place on Monday.

    Also, I've posted a jackpot alert down in our silver section - we have 2 big jackpots next week so get promoting! Here's a link: [URL][/URL] ...
  4. Monday Again!

    by , 15 November 2009 at 6:06 pm
    Monday again! How time flies!

    This weekend I was inside 99% of the time playing the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on my Xbox 360.

    I'm happy to report that I've completed the game on regular difficulty is 5 hours and 40 minutes :joy:

    Onto the harder levels!

    I've just made a post down in our silver forum area about the jackpots happening this week at Oz Lotteries. There's some big numbers in there, here's a link to check it out: [URL][/URL] ...
  5. Happy Monday!

    by , 8 November 2009 at 6:14 pm
    Happy Monday again folks. I woke this morning to a rainy start to the week, fitting as I am pretty tired from a big weekend of gaming!

    If you've been reading my posts in the chatter box forums, you'll know I've recently confessed to being a gamer and playing WoW almost all the time. This weekend, I spent the majority of my time playing so I am a little sleep deprived this morning haha!

    This week, there's a $10 Million jackpot on Oz Lotto. I have posted info about it and ...
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