First I posted this in the Brightshare affiliate thread not sure were to post this to get some feed back.
This just dont seem normal Brightshare told me that All Slots USA have my USA players, so I wrote them asking about this and wanting to know were I need to go to log into and how and when payment was going to be made for my USA players. This is what I got back via email.
Before I can view or even log into a account they want my bank info? this dont seem right? what do you all think?
Thank you for your response.
The first payment we will issue will be on July 15th including earnings starting May 25 and June.
Only revenues in excess of $300 will be paid on a monthly basis, otherwise revenues will be accumulated towards the next payment period. Please remember there is a $35 handling fee for a bank wire transfer.
Please reply to this email and fill in the details below:
Recipient :
Account Type (Check/Savings) :
Account Holder * :
Bank Acc. Num.* :
Bank Name* :
Bank Address :
Bank Country* :
Routing Number :
Swift Code :
Sort Code :
Bank Code :
Holding Branch* :
Branch Code :
IBAN Number :
Signatory :
We have an online reporting tool for you to view your earnings. Upon receiving your complete bank wire details we will send you a username and login for the new system.