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So one possible explanation that the exposure rate is much much higher in Italy than previously thought, maybe even 5 % or 10 % or 20 % of population got in touch with the virus. That is good news because it isn't as deadly as believed (of course you shouldn't be 60+ guy, smoker with diabetes, high blood pressure and BMI 30).
Also it is somewhat bad news because you cannot stop the virus by insane restrictions, martial law and quarantine. The humanity may have to learn to live with the virus - just like it learned to live with measles or the common flu.
It is absolutely possible that the virus can be in Italy from November, but then the virus can be in China easily from August for example.
What you write would be not that bad news, but very good news, because then Italy would be just herd immunised.
Based on the stats from China and Italy, 31% don't even experience any sympthoms (which is actually a problem as they can infect everyone without knowing).
I do not know what stats you are talking about, probably stats of tested people. If 31% of tested people show no symptoms, then probably way over 90% maybe way over 95% people would not show symptoms. That would be good news as well under the condition that those people will not show symptoms in future.
I have my own experience with some weird disease from SE Asia as I wrote here, and it seems coming and going, coming and going. Something is missing.
If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.