I want to know if sponsored articles (but not marked as sponsored) have a negative effect on a website if the topic content is related to the website topic.
Are there any rules to be followed in order to not have any negative effect ?
I want to know if sponsored articles (but not marked as sponsored) have a negative effect on a website if the topic content is related to the website topic.
Are there any rules to be followed in order to not have any negative effect ?
The standard rules, don't use obvious paid links in the articles, but links that add value to authority sites, and publish quality content that adds value
Depends on the domain who is giving the link and some other factors.
Topical relevance isn`t that important IMO but trust - means rankings AND traffic.
hm, maybe i undertood the question wrong, do you mean sponsored (but not marked as sponsored) articles having a bad impact when you publish them on your own site, or do you mean getting links from those kind of articles on other sites?
I mean if sponsored articles, which i publish on my website can have a negative impact on my website.
What advises will you give me to check if the linked website are authority sites ?
selling blog posts on your site can have negative impact, you are taking a risk.
if the linked website is an authority on the subject, check the rankings of that site.
but probably you know all the answers already, if you think it might hurt your site, it might do that one day in future.
That depends.
A relevant article with outgoing links to relevant websites with authority won't hurt you. And crappy spun articles with links to crappy viagra sites will hurt.
And between that is a lot.