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I’ve noticed affiliate programs are increasingly using QR codes in advertisements targeted directly toward affiliates. In several advertisements, I’ve even seen QR codes used as a replacement for publishing an affiliate program’s website address - not just as a complement to the web address.
For this week’s poll I ask about the relative importance to you of an affiliate program publishing a QR code for their affiliate program site versus the web address of their affiliate program site. Do you have a strong preference one way or the other, or are you neutral?
Personally, there are many contexts where QR codes make excellent sense to me. For example, on TV shows where they allow viewers to quickly navigate to the relevant page on the web using their phone. Or on a sidewalk sign to quickly get additional information.
But in an advertisement for an affiliate program in a magazine? Personally, I definitely want to see the website address. What about you?
Besides voting in the poll, please share your thoughts and experience using QR codes. Do you use them a lot or not at all? When are you most likely to use them.