Hi Guys
I have two simple questions:
1. Do you have a moneybookers account?
2. Do you get paid your affiliate commission by Moneybookers?
Question 1. YES
Question 1. NO
Question 2. YES
Question 2. NO
Hi Guys
I have two simple questions:
1. Do you have a moneybookers account?
2. Do you get paid your affiliate commission by Moneybookers?
I use Moneybookers for getting commissions but not as often as Neteller.
I favour NETeller over Moneybookers at the moment purely because of the Net+ card option. That said some of the programs I have paid to Moneybookers too. NETeller has one of the worst customer service teams who never actually answer the questions. My account has bee locked for no apparent reason other than a mistake, I've argued until I was blue in the face that just because I happened to be visiting US didn't mean I couldn't receive payments. the customer service rep couldn't understand that I had no obligation to tell them where I was so how did they know whether I was visiting a non-serviced country in order to block the incoming transactions. Pure madness...
Add the fact I can't login from some countries, where as Moneybookers still allows me to login regardless of where I am. Moneybookers fees are also less than NETeller. As soon as Moneybookers has a card option like NETeller I would move all payments to them.
Oh, that's interesting. In fact, I also prefer Neteller because of the ATM card. I will now check with Moneybookers the details of their card.
GRRRR dont speak to me about them ffs
I had my msn hacked and the guy told me to pay him $100 into a moneybookers account he had opened so obviously I told moneybookers. There actions???
Well they closed his account, refused to give me any details on the guy and then suspended my account awaiting photographic ID. As I do not have a passport or a drivers licence I have no photographic ID. So I have $200 been stuck there over 6 months
Thanks Shaun. I obviously don't look at the site other than the login part.
EDIT - Shaun, can you link to the page where is says the card is available? I can't see it. I found where you can link to an existing bank debit/credit card although that is not an option for my country.
I voted yes to both..
Neteller have the worst support EVER....
They locked my account, i mailed them the documents they wanted, 2 weeks after denied, took some new photos, and again 2 weeks after denied, then i faxed the documents.... after 2 weeks denied. So i never use them since my account have been locked for 2 years
First time i have ever run into such problems when i have had to verify my details.
I think you have to be logged into your moneybookers account to see this.
But i can confirm that they have such card.
The Moneybookers Mastercard is only available to members from European countries.
Memeber from other countries (like Australia, New Zealand, Canada) cannot get the card and are not shown the information when they login.
Source : Moneybookers Account Rep
Hi Guys
I can now tell you why i was asking:
please check out the following link: http://nordicbetpartners.com/en/moneybookerspromo
Please give me your thoughts!!!
No Moneybookers account anymore. I did hold a Canadian account for a year and dumped it. I deal in Canadian dollars not Euros and the verifications process required Euros.
After a few months of wrangling and wasting my time sending in private docs I gave up. Moneybookers for me became more of a liability a risk not worth taking. Plus they cross promote and have employees who are rather loose with private info.
My experience anyway.
I have moneybookers and neteller, prefer moneybookers.
I can get a 10euro M-card from moneybookers (UK based).
@Shaun - interesting team-up!