Hi I just wonder if ' makes a difference in a keyword or anchortext? Will google 'rank' it as 2 different keywords?
For example Ben's and Bens.
Hi I just wonder if ' makes a difference in a keyword or anchortext? Will google 'rank' it as 2 different keywords?
For example Ben's and Bens.
Cash Bonus (30 September 2018)
elieli88 (29 September 2018)
I think, I get it. I have heard that two identical anchortexts not are good to use for the same domain when you are creating a linkexchange for example. I heard you should use different anchortexts for same domain. But you can use your domainname a couple of times as a anchortext or keyword. So google see Ben's Freespins and Bens Freespins as the same anchortext?
Cash Bonus (30 September 2018)
The apostrophe makes no difference whatsoever in this situationGoogle would just count it as either one keyword or anchor text. Depending on what you choose.
elieli88 (30 September 2018)
Lets say I want to make a linkexchange and want to use the anchortext Freespins to my link. The person adding my link on his webpage by misstake write anchortext Freespins. Will the "." make a difference? Or will google ignore the point. Is it the same Keyword for Google? Or should the person who added my anchortext change the keyword to Freespins without a point (.)?
The problem you really need to address is doing link exchanges in the first place.
I agree. I never do link exchanges.
Link exchanges (with anchor text) endanger your website. Google is becoming more and more adept at punishing websites that use them.
Leave that to big SEO companies that have lots of blogs, websites, lots of customers, and so on. They are the only ones who can do that really well.
It's the same for Google.
Variations in the writing of a keyword (spelling errors, plural, feminine, adding hyphens, variations of punctuation elements. use of synonyms, etc ) worked very well with Google in the past. Now, and particularly since the introduction of Semantic Search, it does not work anymore.
Read this article written in the Search Engine Journal in September:
Semantic Search: What It Is & Why It Matters for SEO Today
Last edited by Mario The Gambler; 8 January 2019 at 12:20 pm.
" Money won is twice as sweet as money earned"
Eddie Felson in the movie The Color of Money
elieli88 (8 January 2019)