anyone knows of gambling industy magazines apart from CAP and GPWA magazines?
looking to subscribe to such magazine to gain some knowledge about this indusrty.
i am a newbie to this industry.
anyone knows of gambling industy magazines apart from CAP and GPWA magazines?
looking to subscribe to such magazine to gain some knowledge about this indusrty.
i am a newbie to this industry.
If you mean gambling affiliate magazines, those are the only ones being published at the present time that I know about. The APCW has published a few issues of a magazine titled APCW Perspectives, but the last issue was some time ago, and insofar as I know the distribution was just at a trade show rather then through the mail also, although I don't know that with certainty.
In terms of general iGaming industry there are others. The two biggest being iGaming Business Magazine and eGaming review Magazine. But they generally only distribute free of charge to a controlled subscriber list, and subscriptions to others are quite expensive. Copies are generally available at trade shows.
And in terms of general affiliate business magazines, as opposed to those focused exclusively on the iGaming industry, there is a magazine called revenue news, and the Affiliate Summit conference folks started publishing a magazine called feedfront.
Last edited by MichaelCorfman; 30 August 2008 at 8:26 am. Reason: Fixed name of affiliate summit magazine to be feedfront.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
mskr (30 August 2008)
good info for me buddy
just came to know that the magazine started by affiliate summit is feedfront and not feedburner
MichaelCorfman (30 August 2008)
Fill in the form on the Free Magazines page on www.igamingbusiness.com and you will get a free trial of two issues but email me alex @ igaming business DOt com and I wll comp you a year sub FOC - This is fine for anyother GPWA affiliates as well.
iGaming Business is by the way more general for our industry so not speciifcally affiliate- It covers law, Management, Marketing, HR, Finance and Technical as well as individual features and interviews
iGB Affiliate - The biggest magazine and events for affiliates in igaming
mskr (31 August 2008)