Earlier today we discovered that GPWA Maria's computer had been hacked over the weekend and that the hackers gained access to her email and social media accounts as a result.
We also discovered the hackers were offering some some of our sponsor programs discounts if they made bitcoin payments to them. Fortunately, we determined that none of our sponsors made payments to the addresses provided and we promptly notified all of our sponsor program contacts of the situation. We have since followed up further with each sponsor program emailed during the period Maria's email account was compromised, knowing exactly what messages had been sent from her account.
All of Maria's internal business accounts, such as her GPWA email address, were rapidly secured, and our forensic investigation has confirmed all of our internal systems remain secure. We are working with Maria to ensure everything is returned to normal, but that might take some time with respect to all of her social media accounts.
I expect affiliates, which would never be sending funds to us anyway, are not susceptible to fraudulent requests for money made by hackers impersonating Maria using social media accounts. However, from a post in this forum, it is also clear that at least one request of that nature has been made using her hacked Skype account based on the following post by GPWA member ddm:
Please avoid rewarding the hackers for their fraud.
And, if you do received any such solicitation, please PM me with the details.