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I personally think LinkedIn has a major flaw in a few aspects.
There is no way to hide your email address from connections. Sure this is ok to folks you know and would normally give your email address to, but they do NOT give you the CHOICE to hide it.
They are also VERY AGGRESSIVE with convincing users to "sync" their address books with them, which gives them a whole fresh list of email recipients that have NOT given LinkedIn permission to mail them.
I have a number of clients in other industries that have stated that LinkedIn is a great tool for recruiters and job services. The problem I have with that is that I have also heard many spammers and those who sell lists to the spammers have situated themselves as recruiters or connected to job services organizations, and have developed quite an extensive list of email addresses.
Recently, there has also been some speculation in their support forums that some spammers have been able to access the emails without being connected, but that I have not confirmed.
Of any of the networks that deserve the "social network" classification, I do think that LinkedIn is one of the most professional, and in my opinion would have far more value if they were more sensitive to REAL privacy concerns, and not add marketing spin to what i feel invades their user's privacy as well as the privacy of users who do not even have a LinkedIn account, but just happens to be in an address book of a LinkedIn user.