My personal view is that most folks are challenged managing browser tabs. At least I know I certainly am.
I'll work, adding new tabs and windows as I follow different paths to find information and make updates until I finally get to the point were I decide there are too many, and they are getting in my way. At which point I will take a short break to engage in garbage collection: closing tabs and windows that have just turned into clutter.
PC Magazine wrote an article about a study on this topic a little over a year ago:
All those open browser tabs are stressing you out, study says
According to the study, 57% of people think browser clutter is a mild problem for them, 25% see it as a somewhat or serious concern, and 18% aren't bothered by browser clutter at all.
According to the study, the average person had 5 to 10 open tabs and 1 to 3 open windows at a time. The extremes went from less than three open to more than 400.
Besides voting in the poll, I invite you to share your thoughts about browser clutter, whether you consider it an issue, and how you handle it.