Assuming online gambling is to be legalised in the U.S. again, will there be a significant increase in your website's traffic/income or not?
Assuming online gambling is to be legalised in the U.S. again, will there be a significant increase in your website's traffic/income or not?
Last edited by cass; 21 October 2010 at 7:29 am.
Hard to say. I target the US market now. It will be a scramble to get all the sites back up that are us friendly thats for sure.
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1. That's a big assumption thyat it will be legalised anytime soon.
2. Traffic may increase overall - but competition and affiliate sites will explode - meaning a smaller share for small sites.
3. Conversions of what US traffic you do manage to maintain should become better if you are recommending "best-of-breed" programs.
In my opinion at least.
Perhaps the even bigger assumption is that if it online gaming is legalized in one or more states that affiliates will play any significant role in generating referrals to those sites. In the land-based industry in the states, only companies like licensed junket operators can share in the revenue from players, and I can't imagine that many affiliates would go through such a licensing process - which might require that you not promote any sites that were unlicensed. But then perhaps licensed superaffiates could serve as a channel for other smaller affiliates.
However, my view that regulation will also expand the market for unregulated sites over the near term by virtue of increasing the public perception of legitimacy, so I feel the near-term outcome for affiliates would be positive even if they are not able to work with regulated operators in the states. This will be particularly true in the situation where regulation happens on a state by state basis (which I view as the far more likely scenario).
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TheGooner (21 October 2010)
You can rest assured that if online gambling becomes legalized in the United Socialist States of America (USSA) it will involve the same red tape quagmire that accompanies any government run program; Health Care, Medicare, SSI, etc. Ergo the the small operator will be pushed aside in favor of the pork barrel profits of the fat cats paying their way to the way the bias legislation is written in their favor. HELLO?
Kiss your portal goodbye!
Jimmie T
And God said he would make kind and obedient women for all men and spread them to the four corners of the Earth.
Then he made the world round and laughed his A** off.
My opinion is that traffic on those sites that are made only for the US market will decrease and for those ones that are for the Europian market will go up.
I think we will see a monumental surge of competition and possibly government intervention in the form of licensing, fees, forms and a quagmire of red tape.
After all the politicians are not going to waste their time legalizing something that will benefit the little guy. They will be filling their pockets with bonus points from the fat cats in Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City and the like.
A politician helping the small business way
Jimmie T
And God said he would make kind and obedient women for all men and spread them to the four corners of the Earth.
Then he made the world round and laughed his A** off.
I understand the anti big government sentiment there Jimmie if not the specifics.
The "fat cats" (at least some of them) will decide to use online affiliates to quickly increase their share of the market - because it has been a proven source of attracting players to online gambling sites. After all if you want players who will gamble online then the best place to advertise to them is actually online where existing players visit - yes?
And the idea of local licensing, fees and regulation of websites does not work at all. The internet is a global marketplace and a global marketspace, and you can only tax, license websites and web workers who are resident in your locality.
For a guideline to effective legislation of online gambling I look to the UK and Australia as valid examples - and neither of those markets have gone down the way you are suggestion.
Even markets like France and Spain that are giving out local licenses to operators, we still see affiliates being used heavily, and no affiliate regulation.
I agree with you Gooner, except for one point.
If the politicians find out "the idea of local licensing, fees and regulation of websites does not work at all" as you put it........
They will be sure to push for it!!!
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If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
affiliate regulation? heh
I'm glad I brightened up someone's day....
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If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!