I have started a project and need help
I have started a project called The RNG Project. It is a project where the goal is to test the payout % of slot machines. I have just started this and in desperate need of help. Currently i have set up 2 web sites.
i have downloaded most of the open source formats which are accessable from the indexpage. I still do not know which one to use . Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have a statistician working on a protocol. Our goal is to establish a protocol that can use players to record their plays on various games.
Record the out comes and come up with independant results. Giving a true pay out %.
The protocol will be published and peer reviewed.
I have an attorney working on making this a non-profit organization.
I need directors for the board.
Players who can record their play. And anyone who can lend a hand
applications for players:
Thank You Kindly,
Greg Esry