some truth and LOLs for the old schoolers among us
I´m a ******* Webmaster
some truth and LOLs for the old schoolers among us
I´m a ******* Webmaster
DanHorvat (12 December 2019), FictionNet (12 December 2019), rknuppel (12 December 2019), sakisarv (12 December 2019)
Thanks for that. I'm obviously old-school, nothing to brag about - I'm just older! Well, 47, and started this in 1999 (webmaster/affiliate) but was a programmer (6502 when poss) previously and an 8-bit game writer, with not the best results but bottom line, I'm old school and I program - not drag n drop. All I open when I boot my lappy up is the browser, FTP and notepad - so I know what every line of code is doing. I use frames. I use tables. I rank with them and have learned to make them do magic tricks. The new world has no idea that the old ways still work, perhaps better, perhaps because my sites require about 5% bandwidth/storage than a 'modern-day' equivalent not coded by hand.
Thanks again for that.
Most sites nowadays have 10 MB of Javascript for 5KB of usable text.
FictionNet (12 December 2019)
FictionNet (12 December 2019)