Well boy did it take me awhile to come down from that!
For sure, Vegas puts something in the air there hahaha WOW. Coming down was long and hard.
What can I say about Vegas, I could not even begin to start. I had a very very very good time and the people... Guys everyone was looking good and feeling great! I think all of us that went could say the same that everyone was awesomely friendly! You know that scene in Sinfeld where Kramer holds up that beer and has that sig in his mouth and says "Here's to feeling good all the time!". Well thats what it felt like with everyone I walked up to, its what they were all saying inside you know?? Wonderful!
The affiliate managers freaking ROCKED! I finally met Jon-Jon and it was a bit emotional to my surprise on my part. I never knew it but at that point it all culminated for me as to how long and far I have come in this incredible journey. We started in this thing just about the same time 5 years ago and even though we were both on different ends of the business in a way it felt like we had catching up to do and we ended up talking all the way to the Rain.
The Rain was way off the chain here folks, I mean... WOW. Not sure if anyone that went with us knew this but we were all rushed past the VIP line and it was Nicky Hiltons birthday party! SO what did that make us? Ultra VIP?
What a night! I want to mention everyone that went but I just cant remember really. I know by affiliate program so Roxy Affiliates, Fortune Lounge and I think BetRev who I think is who Jon-Jon is working with at the time, Ron from Hampton was with us for a bit (great guy) but then ran off before Rain so he missed out. The limo was huge!
Man I realize that this thing could take forever so I am trying to keep it small.
GPWA members! I hope I was able to talk to everyone at least for a bit. I met old and new members and that was great. 4 days was just not long enough for me to really get to spend the time I wanted with people. Mohegan was cool like that because we were all so close together that it made it all very nice in that way.
Our party was nice, I felt bad for the DJ because I know there was so many kinds of taste there that it made it a bit hard to do that one. Whoever decided to hit the lights and set a bit of a mood in there was right on! We needed that so bad hahaha. Ok everyone, now picture about 5 hot gals out there dancing and not one of us guys go out to dance with any of them. God we looked pretty sad guys hahaha I forgot all about that. Have a picture of it though! so I will rub that in again here soon.
Referback treated me to food!! That was a first for me. Alida from Referback was very cool. She was one of the great people I have had the pleasure to have met in this business. Even though she was fairly new to Referback she was very competent and she should do very well with them or any company for that matter.
Like I said there is so much to write that it would take forever. Not many have even read this far into it im sure hahaha so in close I really just want to thank EVERYONE.
Thank you to our sponsors, you guys are great and very valuable to the membership at GPWA. Without you we would not be able to do these. I am not sure but it would seem to me that these are the best way for you to network with new affiliates. I know that with this event you get closer to your new and old affiliates so I cant see why this is not going to happen again. I look forward to the next time.
I want to thank the owners of the GPWA for all the hard work they have put into this. I dont know the details of everything but I know it was a logistics nightmare and you seemed to do a good job and keep a smile all at the same timeWho says a hubby and wife cant work well together? Way to go you guys.
Thank you to Vegas and the old Mafia bastards that started it. Where else in the world can you go on vacation and actually have to go to detox when you get home? VEGAS, I LOVE YA!!
PICS PICS PICS. I got some together and will publish them on the website soon for everyone to see. I really would like anyone that has pics to do the same so we can mix and match our stuff. So if you have any pics and want to share let me know. Affiliate managers included
Well I just cant type anymore. I knew it would be like this and that I was not going to be able to remember or cover everything. I guess now at the end of writing this I should have put some thought into it and reposted but I will just be raw like that and leave it at this.