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  1. #1
    Professor's Avatar
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    Question Poker MLM Deal - PTN?

    Ok guys I am sure a number of you have been approached by the new MLM offer; Poker Training Network. I tend to steer clear of network marketing because it tends to be scammy and your income relies on your ability to bring on more distributors. I have a few questions though:

    1. Is anyone in GPWA actively promoting the program?
    2. If so what are your experiences so far?
    3. If you were asked to join the Network would you be willing to pay for the software ($299) and the month fees ($70)?
    4. The software that tracks players only works in their in house no money poker room, you cant use it at Poker Stars, Full Tilt, Doyles Room etc....
    5. One of the founders is Montel Williams and this is the product other investors sued him over thats been rebranded as PTN see:

    I am leaning away from joining at the moment but wanted to get opinions about Poker Training Network from other affiliates.

  2. #2
    universal4's Avatar
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    I want to wait a while and see if they stand the test of time.

    I briefly looked at it during a prelaunch...but decided to wait.

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  4. #3
    Professor's Avatar
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    Thanks Rick. I talked to three other decent sized poker affiliates and they all had been called and given the 30 minute phone pitch too. I have searched online and all I can really find is marketing related material so its difficult to do due dilligince on this one.

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