One of the features we've included in the GPWA Times print magazine is interviews with GPWA portal webmasters. In the first issue we interviewed mojo, and in the second issue we interviewed aksana, chalkoutline, kaus, katsmeownvista, nandakishore, pablo, and webzcas.
We thought we should make the interviews available online in addition to their being available in the print magazine. So this week, we begin with our full interview with Nandakishore (click on the link to see the interview).
Each week for the next eight weeks we will feature a new interview in our GPWA Times newsletter. In the print magazine we sometimes had to shorten the interviews a bit so they would all fit in the magazine. Online, we will show the complete interview. I think you'll be impressed and moved by what our members have to say.
To make the interviews a little easier to find, we've also updated our member profile pages to include a link to the member interview when we have one. For example, if you look at the member page for Nandakishore you'll see there is a link to "Read an interview with Nandakishore."