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  1. #1
    The Buzz's Avatar
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    Default PPA sends 100 members to lobby Congress

    The PPA is sending 100 members, including some big poker names like Chris Moneymaker and Howard Lederer, to Washington DC to lobby Congress.

    Barney Frank welcomes the effort, saying that his bill to regulate Internet gambling is "not in great shape."

    The renewed push is welcome news to the sponsor of the legalization bill, Rep. Barney Frank, a Democrat of Massachusetts, who says he has had trouble building support for his proposal. "We're not in great shape now," he said in an interview. He added: "I need some lobbying help."

    Mr. Frank, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said that while he has seen a shift from some of the more than 300 House members who supported the ban, his effort has had little help from online gamblers themselves, who, he noted, do not exactly have a history of political activism. "Playing poker on the Internet and watching C-Span are not always in tandem," Mr. Frank said.

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    Default PPA getting mainstream coverage for lobbying event

    One of Buzzy's favorite shows, Marketplace on Public Radio, had a report on the lobbying efforts of the PPA today ...

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    Lots of stories in today's papers on the recent lobbying effort, but Buzzy likes this angle from the Chicago Tribune the best ... tug on the heart strings and change some minds ...

    In the evenings, Don Signore used to go to the local bar to play a few hands of poker. It was the kind of poker gathering where fathers sometimes brought their young daughters, and nobody played for money.

    The night of cards with his new friends was a perfect distraction after his wife died two years ago, said Signore, who runs a Chicago catering business. "They take it very seriously. It's about learning the game, it's about becoming better," he said.

    But this month, the Illinois Liquor Control Commission shut down Signore's league because under state law, an establishment with a liquor license couldn't host poker, which the agency considered to be a game of chance and therefore illegal, even though Signore said his group didn't play for money.

    His frustration was enough that Signore came to Washington for this week's Poker Players Alliance's "fly-in" on Capitol Hill, where other poker aficionados lobbied lawmakers to ease federal restrictions on online poker playing.

    Signore, winner of a $50 gift certificate from his poker-playing days, stood in the same room as the high-stakes professionals, who have earned millions playing in Las Vegas, as well as such far-flung places as South Korea and Spain.

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    Default Barry Greenstein audio blog of his DC experience

    This is pretty interesting ... poker pro Barry Greenstein posted an audio blog of his experience in DC ... get through the first 2-3 minutes and he gets to the meat of the trip.

  5. #5
    ck8795 is offline Private Member
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    Ya I had to write an article on that after hearing it...very optimistic.

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