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    Default Samuel L. Jackson's WTFU2012

    Regardless of how you are voting for the U.S. President, you should check this, was surprised they had the kid swearing. Thoughts on the vid???

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    lots0 is offline Former Public Member
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    It's the way real people talk everyday, all day... even the kids.
    This American double standard for language is getting real old and tired... As an American I can say 'Frick' in public, but I can't say '****'... to me they mean the same thing.. just a vowel sound different.

    You can walk down any street in America and hear the "F" word tossed about by everyone from little old ladies to grade school kids...
    I personally try to use the "F" word at least twice in every sentence...

    WAKE THE **** UP... I like it.

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    Personally i love it - i'm not American and i don't get a say, but Romney scares the **** out of me. So out of touch and so little regard for the large swathes of society that are struggling to get by in what i questionably a very tough world right now. The right in both the US and the UK seems to have missed the fact that a large part of the evolution of civilization was the development of compassion and the behaviours that saw us supporting the weaker members of our society even when it's a burden and they need more than they contribute. - Content writing services by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable writers in the sector. - Responsible Gambling charity providing free blocking software to everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thepogg
    ...Romney scares the **** out of me.
    Me too... But for other reasons.

    I grew up in a very very small 100% Mormon community.

    The last thing any non-Mormon should want is a Mormon running things.

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    iGamingWriter is offline Private Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lots0 View Post
    Me too... But for other reasons.

    I grew up in a very very small 100% Mormon community.

    The last thing any non-Mormon should want is a Mormon running things.
    Do you consider yourself Mormon or have you left that path? This is genuine interest and ignorance here so i hope you'll excuse me - why should we be worried about a Mormon running things? - Content writing services by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable writers in the sector. - Responsible Gambling charity providing free blocking software to everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thepogg View Post
    Do you consider yourself Mormon or have you left that path? This is genuine interest and ignorance here so i hope you'll excuse me - why should we be worried about a Mormon running things?
    OK you asked for it.... lol

    My entire family is Mormon (Notice I didn't say "Saints"). The village I grew up in had a population of less than 150 people, all Mormon. the center of the Village was a huge Mormon Church.

    Personally I am a hard core Atheist and have been for over forty years. I became an Atheist in 1972 in a fox hole in Loc Ninh, but that is a different story.

    The reason I say non-Mormons don't want a Mormon running things, is that Mormons are not what they appear to be to outsiders (Gentiles).

    Mormons are the most prejudiced group of people I have ever come across, and I have been all over the world.
    The prejudiced is institutional and goes back the very beginning of the Church.

    This prejudiced is mostly due to the persecution that mormons received from Gentiles in the early days of the Church. Mormons were Hanged and tortured to death, burned alive and many other bad things in the 1800's, by non-mormons. The church and it's members have never forgotten that. This was the real reason for multiple marriage that Mormons are so famous for. The gentiles kill off most of the mormon men, so the few men that were left married all the mormon women they could, so the church would not die out.

    According to Mormon doctrun If you are a not a Mormon, your not a real person, your soul is not going to Heaven. So Mormons can treat non-Mormons without respect and without fear of reprisal from their god. Mormons can lie cheat and steal from a non-mormon without any problems from the church or other church members. This is one big reason why most outsiders consider the Mormons a Cult.

    Inside the Mormon Priest Hood meetings(very private high ranking Mormon males only) you will always hear stories of how 'Brother' so and so got over on that Dirty Gentile. Cheating non-mormons is a huge pastime and is bragged about quite a bit inside the church.
    FYI - Mormons call each other "Brother" and "Sister", inside their own meetings and church, but rarely if ever in public and never in front of Gentiles.

    I should explain my use of the term "Gentile", Mormons believe they are the true chosen children of god and that Jews are the pretenders.
    Mormons also believe that the true land of Zion is in Utah and not in Palestine.

    I could go on and on... but the bottom line is if your not a Mormon... Don't trust a Mormon.

    P.S. I am sure this is going to **** off some Mormons if they read it... but oh well.
    Last edited by lots0; 27 September 2012 at 4:56 pm.

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    The only thing I know about mormons is when South Park seems to make fun of it with their episode and now the makers are doing a theatre show

  10. #8
    Maria F is offline No longer with Harbour Gaming Affiliates
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    Quote Originally Posted by lots0 View Post

    This prejudiced is mostly due to the persecution that mormons received from Gentiles in the early days of the Church. Mormons were Hanged and tortured to death, burned alive and many other bad things in the 1800's, by non-mormons. The church and it's members have never forgotten that. This was the real reason for multiple marriage that Mormons are so famous for. The gentiles kill off most of the mormon men, so the few men that were left married all the mormon women they could, so the church would not die out.
    I have been watching a reality tv show called ‘Sister wives’. I have been asking myself why these women choose to have type of marriage? Now you answer my question.

    Thank you for your openness about the subject.

  11. #9
    iGamingWriter is offline Private Member
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    Much like grem, my knowledge about Mormons extends to the South Park episode which was just kinda fluffy and cute overall. But as i see things, it really does look like they're similar in attitudes to many other religious groups albeit with a more extreme view galvinized by the early persecution from a time before living memory.

    I'm an atheist and always have been - it's been my experience that while most religious groups outwardly teach tollerance, compassion and understanding, really they see the world as 'the true believers' and everyone else who's going to hell. It frightens me that some of the kids in my street play with the others, but are told by their parents not to spend too much time with the 'non-believers', and when they do something bad to the non-believers, they don't get in trouble for it. That really bothers me. This stems from a cookie selling incident a few months back where the religious children talked some of the non-religious children into helping them sell cookies at the door, so they all came round and the non-religious kids ended up doing all the talking while the others waited at the back. I found out later that the kids of faith had taken all the money made and split it only between the believers, leaving the kids who did all the work without anything and after the ensuing argument their parents didn't care that they'd essentially stolen money.

    By the way - i am deliberately not mentioning the faith of the people involved.

    I also remember working with a teacher and getting into a conversation about homosexuality. I was horrified to find that they felt that it didn't matter how good a person was, if they were gay they went to hell. They could spend there whole life being selfless and compassionate to others, working for the betterment of their fellow man, but because they express their love with someone of the same sex the case is cut and dry and they burn for eternity.

    I'm not saying that all religious people are so bias in their day to day life and i'm sure that that teacher would never openly discriminate against homosexuals, but the second you claim one faith or another you automatically draw a line in the sand between yourself and the rest of the world. In this instance, the teacher has accepted within themselves that homosexuality is wrong and even if they try not to, that mindset will ultimately colour their view of the world. - Content writing services by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable writers in the sector. - Responsible Gambling charity providing free blocking software to everyone.

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    I very much agree with the comment made by thepogg.

    I am a Catholic, but I don’t go to church and I don’t really roll by all the Catholic Church’s rules.

    I believe in karma and that we all have the right to do what is right for us, but I think we should never impose our ideas onto other people. There is only one person I hope to influence and pass my moral standards and believes; that person is my son.

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    Anthony-Coral is offline Former Employee of Coral
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    In a similar vein......

    With some of the same language

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyrewards-Maria View Post

    I believe in karma and that we all have the right to do what is right for us, but I think we should never impose our ideas onto other people.
    I'm very similar to you on that. I don't know that i believe in karma in a spiritual sense, but i very much feel that as a rational human being that the more positivity i put out into the world by way of helping people out, the more chance of those people i've helped being willing to help me out when i've fallen down. Similarly, if i'm mean to people or i hurt them either through malice intention or by not being willing to put myself out there for them when they need it, it's one more person who has reason not to want to help me, one more person who has reason to hurt me back.

    I'd also be quick to say that my previous post wasn't intended as an inditement of any religion - i simply feel that the more barriers we put up between each other the harder we find it to work together and the further we slip from reaching our potential.
    Last edited by iGamingWriter; 28 September 2012 at 12:39 pm. - Content writing services by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable writers in the sector. - Responsible Gambling charity providing free blocking software to everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HodgeyBoy View Post
    In a similar vein......

    With some of the same language
    That was even better than the Samuel one!

    I love the vid she put out a few years back with Matt Damon. - Content writing services by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable writers in the sector. - Responsible Gambling charity providing free blocking software to everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyrewards-Maria View Post
    I have been watching a reality tv show called ‘Sister wives’. I have been asking myself why these women choose to have type of marriage? Now you answer my question.

    Thank you for your openness about the subject.
    No problem, I find all this recent curiosity about Mormons to be kinda weird.

    The people in that sister wives show are not, regular Mormons... they are radical extremists, that have been kicked out of the church.

    In the old days 1800's, the reason for multiple marriage was the lack of men...
    Now I think the reason for multiple marriage is far more complex. After all there is no shortage of Mormon men now.

    The one thing I really don't like about that show is that they don't hardly if ever talk about the "Lost Boys" that modern multiple marriage creates. A "Lost Boy" is a male child of multiple marriage, that is not wanted and are kicked out of the community when they turn 18, they are not allowed back in the community...Unless they bring back their own multiple wives. If they don't multiple marry they can never see their mothers, siblings, grandparents again.
    The reason they do this is simple, they don't need or want more men that can take wives away from them. So the lost boys have to go out and find their own wives and bring them back to the community, if they want to be with their family.

    The Lost Boys are very sad and unfortunate part of this extremest sect. Most Lost Boys never return to the community they were raised in, most never get to see their family again, most become 'problems' because of alcoholism, drug addiction, depression and crime.

    FYI - My great grandad, on my moms side had six wives, he was the last in my family to have multiple marriage. He also had twelve sons and nine daughters that lived to adulthood. On my Dad's side of the family there were no multiple marriages... The story is my Great Grandma wouldn't have any of it, she was going to the ONLY wife in the house.

    Quote Originally Posted by thepogg
    I'm an atheist and always have been - it's been my experience that while most religious groups outwardly teach tollerance, compassion and understanding, really they see the world as 'the true believers' and everyone else who's going to hell.
    I could not agree more.

    I am an Atheist much like Bill Maher is. I have little patience for the very religious or radically religious. When I see a radical religious zealot, of any religion, I think mental illness.

    Karma-- If I had to pick a belief to follow, it would be Buddhism. But I don't have to pick.. so I stay unaffiliated.
    Last edited by lots0; 28 September 2012 at 12:48 pm.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lots0 View Post
    But I don't have to pick.. so I stay unaffiliated.
    That was a proper bad joke - bad enough to be funny! - Content writing services by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable writers in the sector. - Responsible Gambling charity providing free blocking software to everyone.

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    I love that election video. I've never seen anything quite like it. Yes, the swearing was a surprise, as was the frisky Granny and Grandad Of course I won't have a vote, but it certainly got my attention.

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