Hi - has anyone used this tool before?
And have any positive or negative reports on it?
Hi - has anyone used this tool before?
And have any positive or negative reports on it?
I used to use it a few years ago with very good success, now I believe Google has been tracking the sites on it so its value has diminished. I'd stick to more long term link building techniques personally, such as buying advertisements from sites themselves.
You don't want to send sape.ru links direct to your site, but it can be useful as tier 2 or tier 3 links.
casionmark (13 September 2018)
Avoid...for many reasons. The links are considered very black hat and if you don't know what you are doing with them it will be waste of money and can get you in trouble. They can be used for churn n burn projects only
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casionmark (13 September 2018)
sape is a Russian exchange of links. Pretty good tool with the right approach. And killer sites with an illiterate approach. The English-speaking segment of the exchange, in my opinion, is in its infancy. I haven't used it for a long time...
I'm all for black hat ****** links. Not a fan of hacking other people's sites for links though... Not a user.
Hello there. Have you tried using pbn instead of sape?
Sape is still pretty powerful if used right, the issue i believe is with sape you are only allowed so many words in your sentence, where as in PBN's you can post an entire article with your link in it, this is where Sape lacks slighly, and also if you use sape, don't always go for homepage links, there is thousands of powerful inner pages where only your link will appear