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  1. #21
    Daniel is offline New Member
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    My account was hacked 23rd Jan, lost around 40,000 USD. I'm not a gambler and never had a gambling account.

    I had changed my password in late December.

    I dont understand why skrill is telling people to IP restrict their accounts otherwise sign an agreement that indemnifies them of responsibility!

    Most people get their accounts hacked via a Trojan that has infected their PC, this allows a hacker to taker over the PC install key loggers and remote PC control. So even if the IP's where restricted how is this going to stop a hacker that will be using your own IP from your own computer?

    So my guess is there has been a big security breach and user data has been stolen.

    So far Skrills response from their staff is to blame the victim and have them sign an agreement that indemnifies them of responsibility!

    Why did it take 5 years when 7.8 millions users records where compromised in 2010 to announce it?

    It is currently unclear as to whether or not player balances held by Skrill are insured by the UK FCA (Skrill is headquartered in the UK) against fraud.

    I guess not!
    Last edited by Daniel; 5 March 2016 at 12:43 am.

  2. #22
    Muppet is offline Private Member
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    Agreed. Sorry to hear this has happened to you as well. Skrill is a dishonest company.

  3. #23
    Daniel is offline New Member
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    you should report here:
    Last edited by Daniel; 6 March 2016 at 10:18 pm.

  4. #24
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    There is a way to check if your email address was a part of a hack!
    My result was not so good, but I have had no damage, because things were changed by me.

    Here are some hack data from Neteller and Skrill and how you can check your own email address to avoid surprises:



  5. #25
    yeahfree is offline Private Member
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    i also had my account disabled recently. did try the password recovery, no response. i have called them, and the issue has been solved. they asked me if i was using my account for gambling, which i don't. i only use it for receiving my commission.

    what i did notice however is that on the last two amounts that i have received i suddenly have a "Receive money fee".
    i do have a business account, but i never paid for receiving money so far. i found back this page on their site, i don't know if this is new or always existed already.

    time to look for alternatives i think, getting a 2.99% conversion fee for usd to eur , plus 2.9% costs on receving money is going to make skrill very expensive.

  6. #26
    Muppet is offline Private Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung View Post
    There is a way to check if your email address was a part of a hack!
    My result was not so good, but I have had no damage, because things were changed by me.

    Here are some hack data from Neteller and Skrill and how you can check your own email address to avoid surprises:


    Haveibeenpwned is a good site but it will not help you in this case. The information on that website is from a hack that occurred in 2010. It was disclosed last year. Neteller were also hacked.

    I am certain that Skrill have been hacked again recently and they are not disclosing it. I know this because a player that contacted me about having a huge amount stolen did not have a Skrill account in 2010. We know for a fact that they did not gain access through his email or malware on his PC. Several other customers have reported having their accounts compromised to me. Whether its an ongoing security vulnerability in their systems that is actively being exploited, inept customer service being social engineered to allow access to accounts, or an inside job, people are still having their funds stolen right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by yeahfree View Post
    what i did notice however is that on the last two amounts that i have received i suddenly have a "Receive money fee".
    i do have a business account, but i never paid for receiving money so far. i found back this page on their site, i don't know if this is new or always existed already.

    time to look for alternatives i think, getting a 2.99% conversion fee for usd to eur , plus 2.9% costs on receving money is going to make skrill very expensive.
    Count yourself lucky. They did that to us without notifying us over 2 years ago. There is no upper limit to the fee so you can be charged hundreds if you receive a large payment. They really are a scummy company.

  7. #27
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    "I know this because a player that contacted me about having a huge amount stolen did not have a Skrill account in 2010. We know for a fact that they did not gain access through his email or malware on his PC. Several other customers have reported having their accounts compromised to me."

    About how much accounts in total we are speaking about? For year 2016 I found less than 20 hacking report sby Skrill customers, but there are millions of accounts ...

    Do you have a list?

    Hiding hacks is the nature of most ewallet companies with the exception of Paypal.

    The only chance obviously is to contact the Ombudsman.
    Some decisions are going to the favor of the customers like here:

    What would interesting to me ...

    Is this ... also working wihout mobile device like it is described here ... ... because of the missing barcode when it will be used on a desktop?


  8. #28
    Muppet is offline Private Member
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    Yes I have recommended that affected customers contact both the Ombudsman and the FCA which is supposed to be Skrill's regulator.

    There are several that have posted on our forum in the thread I created. I have also received emails and private messages of a few more. More than 10 in total. All had money stolen from their accounts in January - February. Of course I know Skrill has millions of accounts but consider the extra evidence such as:

    - People who have not been hacked having their accounts frozen and password reset forced (huge red flag right there).
    - The disabling of the "send money" function on my own account without explanation and without the account being compromised.
    - The sudden introduction of 2 factor authentication despite people asking for it for years.
    - The demand that merchant accounts restrict access to a defined IP address otherwise they have to sign a document to indemnify Skrill if they have funds stolen (even if 2 factor is enabled).
    - The slow response time from the "security team" that suggests that they are hopelessly overworked, or just doing nothing.
    - The fact that I know in this one major case that the Skrill account holder did not have their personal machine compromised, did not have their email hacked, and did not give their password to the thief.

    It all points to a major breach and potential compromise of many accounts (and potentially serious issues with people working within Skrill), but they are not disclosing it. I have seen the "support" offered in response to these thefts, the complete lack of ability by Skrill to provide any helpful information such as IP addresses, login failure counts, or anything else remotely helpful. They are completely unprofessional, way out of their depth and do not know how to handle this problem.

    I have only used 2 factor on my mobile so I don't know the answer to that question. But from memory I think with the mobile device you can either photograph the QR code or enter a numeric code instead so it should work fine on desktop.

  9. #29
    Celebrationbird is offline Restricted Account
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    Having a really hard time with getting any info at all from them.

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