Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has enacted Law No. 9256-d, requiring the disbandment of the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (KRAIL). By April, a new authority will be formed to oversee the development and implementation of state policy on gambling and lotteries, in accordance with Ukraine's constitution and legal framework.


In addition, the document prohibits advertising of gambling. Exceptions: advertising on TV and radio at night, in media for people over 21, on platforms and search engines with a target audience over 21.

Such advertising prohibits:

to offer or provide reimbursement for gambling expenses;
to call, send messages to an unspecified number of people;
to offer free bonuses instead of placing a bet.
The advertising prohibits the participation of military personnel, volunteers, and popular people, as well as the use of themes related to war.

In addition, the document prohibits people who were owners or officials of gambling companies that have tax debts or license payment debts from obtaining a license.
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