Have a new tool i made, looking for a tester. Is not for the weak
PM for info, just need tester if you don't mind.
What do you need tested? Send me a pm.
Would chalkie be able to get his old head round it?
GAU - Gambling Afilliates Union
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
Winston Churchill
Please sign this petition if you live in the UK or are an ex-pat Do not let any more children die for no reason
Craigslist is primarily a US market... I know I make a conscious effort to market to a global audience.
Any "global" classified sites or such you recommend?
It's the Internets version of classified ad's - http://www.craigslist.org
Like ebay but free and pretty much pick up only.
Sorry can't get you. Please clear the doubts.