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    casinojack's Avatar
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    Default [VIDEO] How to create an autoblog from scrach

    Ok so today at 11:30 AM I will start part one of how to create an autoblog with wp and NOT get banned

    Starting with a virgin site and has no link or anything in google, msn etc, so we can monitor this project from day 1. today at 11:30Am and if you miss it, click "on demand" and watch it at your leisure.

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    sipka's Avatar
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    I appreciate your efforts Casinojack, and I truly like some of your SEO tips, but I just can't see why setting up Splogs can make any good for our industry's already not-so-good reputation.

    I need to fight these kind of blogs you are teaching here almost every day because by republishing my content they just harm my hard-earned SE positions. Due to these scrapers (sorry, but for me it is just pure scraping through RSS and other methods) I needed to set my RSS feed to excerpts instead of full posts and that not serves my visitors needs at all. Otherwise my full content would be "autoblogged" by someone else, i.e. in my eyes my content would be stolen (I don't care if the autoblogger indicates the source, my site is not an article directory).

    I know that you want other webmasters good, I know that you are a good guy, but I think that encouraging others to do this kind of thing is just filling up the "Unethical Behaviour" boards here, because I know that I won't be kind to anyone who republish any portion of my content, and the gambling world is small, everything will come to light sooner or later.

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  5. #3
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    Some good points...

    Lets chat about them.

    Number 1. RSS feeds. You do not have to publish them, and if you do, you obviously want people to find them? I use RSS feeds for what they are meant to be, a way for people to see articles, full or partial from other source. Your local newspaper works the same way! Not how many articles come from other sources, and all mine ahve the source left in.

    I agree there are some who scrape others content and this is not what I preach or practice.

    Number 2. Scrape. I again do not practice this and I am against it. This is not discussed at all by me. This means no "yahoo pipes" triscks" to get around this, I also do not show how to convert partial to full.

    I encourage you to publish full feeds though. We can chat about it offline or feel free to ring me, as ful feeds get you so much traffic, you can make extra money by adding google ads to the feed if you like! Partial feeds are great as people who subsrieb to these in outlook, their browser etc, read the "exerpt, and will click for more information. Is a great way to get many more visitors.

    I am sorry if I offend you, that is not my goal.

    To the mods of this board: If you feel the same, then I do apologize and ask you to remve this thread. I know I push the "borders" of white hat / blackhat techniques, but I feel is important for alll affiliates to know this techngology, even if they choose to no adopt it. Plus sometimes search engine spam to one is marketing to another.

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  7. #4
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    Thats the point of evening having an RSS feed sipka...

    The entire RSS thing was set up in the day for companies and non for profit websites to share information easily. It's When "PR abductors" that are simply in it for the money and are trying to us rss feeds for PR boost only is the one in the RSS market and should not be. It's up to the website to decide if an rss feed should be used. An rss feed is open grounds for all.

    Jack continue, There is nothing wrong with showing how to set up an auto rss feed blog as that's exactly what they where designed for in the first place.

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  9. #5
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    Sorry, but I strongly disagree.
    My RSS feed is there for my players who can subscribe to it in their RSS readers and get updates without visiting my website everyday - even Wikipedia has the same definition about RSS.

    Drawing a parallel with newspapers is just plain wrong as they probably pay for the re-syndication while an autoblog just republish original content without asking the author or getting permission - that is in my eyes steals content. You say I can shut down my RSS if I don't want it to be republished - is it really the good approach? I don't think so.

    Syndication doesn’t mean you allow others to use your feed as they will! I think people who just get someone else's work and use it without permission on autoblogs for the sake of money are making mistake.

    Just imagine that you have a full feed and I would just comfortably republish it on my website - you would scream for plagiarism and content theft. Is it all right?

    I wonder why everyone else here at the GPWA is so quiet regarding this, everyone agree that this kind of method is just alright?

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  11. #6
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    From Wikipedia

    RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.[2] An RSS document (which is called a "feed", "web feed",[3] or "channel") includes full or summarized text, plus metadata such as publishing dates and authorship. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. RSS feeds can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader", or "aggregator", which can be web-based, desktop-based, or mobile-device-based. A standardized XML file format allows the information to be published once and viewed by many different programs. The user subscribes to a feed by entering into the reader the feed's URI – often referred to informally as a "URL" (uniform resource locator), although technically the two terms are not exactly synonymous – or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The RSS reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new work, downloads any updates that it finds, and provides a user interface to monitor and read the feeds.

    Bold is mine

    Now I don't trust wikipedia so lets consider something, in your case.


    RSS' Copyright Debate

    The Copyright Debate & RSS
    RSS is commonly defined as really simple syndication. So, this means that any material contained in a feed is available for syndication, right? Well no, not exactly. It means that the content contained in an RSS feed is in a format that is syndication friendly, if the copyright holder allows for syndication. Offering a feed for syndication does not in fact grant any legal rights to anyone to reuse the feeds content beyond what the Copyright laws grant as Fair Use.
    In practice, while your feed might legally be protected, you could literally spend weeks attempting to protect the contents of your feed. Legal gray areas are introduced with Search Engines indexing feeds and RSS Feed Directories including copywritten feeds, in their categorized directories. How do you distinguish between a legitimate search engine, RSS directory and someone simply reproducing the contents of a feed for personal gain? Legally how can you defend against one and not the other?
    One can ask whether it is legally is it wrong to reproduce content in a feed. Morally is it wrong? Does the site have a purpose or value outside of the syndicated content? Is the aggregation of topic specific feeds in itself a value?
    If you use the feeds for content and label the site a directory does that make it any more legal? What about personal web aggregators? If it is for personal use,is it OK?
    Take a look at the following topic specific feed directories:
    Financial Investing -
    Security Protection -
    One could argue that the above sites do in fact provide value, aggregating and categorizing related topic specific feeds in a single location. In fact those in the security sector of the finance arena might find the above sites of significant value but what of the content creators?
    Laws and Technology Collide
    Most people publishing content via RSS support republication of feeds. Because the technology is fairly new, the laws and legalities are still murky. It is assumed that content in RSS is protected by copyright laws but let us not forget the Internet is global and their is not a centralized body governing what is right or what is wrong. Not only does law and technology collide the laws of different countries, those creating the feed and those displaying the contents of the feed may contradict each other. It is for this reason, I would advise that publishers using RSS to assume that the contents of their RSS feeds will be syndicated and replicated.
    Tips and Tricks to Protect Your Feed.
    That is not to say there are not things that can be done to protect feeds. At the end of the day being proactive is the best way to protect intellectual property.
    Part of feed protection is ensuring that appropriate credit is given, this can be arranged by including a copyright assignment in the final line of the Item Description field.
    Additionally you can include links back to your website in the Item description field.
    Use teaser copy in the RSS feed's Item description field, linking back to your website which contains the full contents of the post.
    At the end of the day, protecting the contents of a feed can be daunting and limiting. Controlling your contents to ensure appropriate credit and links are included is critical.

    So therefore, in my case I do NOT tamper with the feed, so I feel I am ok...I am sorry if I offend, and I would like the mods to speak up, even if to say they reviewing the information.

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    The fact of putting content into a feed format doesn't in itself grant others the right to use the content. This is why it makes sense to include a note with your feed indicating how it can be used. If there is not a note granting permission to reprint it, you haven't been granted the rights so I would consider it as a service to the site visitor/reader to help them keep up with that site personally rather than for reprinting.

    As a basic rule of copyright, you can't use it unless you're explicitly given permission to use it. Many many RRS feeds are intended to be reprinted and the copyright holder who produces them will include a note indicating the requirements for using it (such as must keep it in tact with links, etc.), but by itself the fact that content is presented in a certain format doesn't grant any reprinting rights. So it is a matter of being careful in what feeds are selected to ensure that all the ones used are done so in a manner the copyright holder gives permission for.
    I have left the industry and earned a law degree at Indiana University Bloomington, Maurer School of Law. Here are ways to stay in touch with me:
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    Inquiries intended for an administrator or staff member can be directed to Anthony Telesca through the forum (username Anthony) or to the general contact address manager AT gpwa DOT org.

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    so basically it is saying the same thing as any other situation.

    Don't be using Sipka's content unless Sipka says its okay.

    That about right?
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  16. #9
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    Many RSS feeds also include in their T&Cs a clause that says the feed can not be used for commercial purposes. So depending on how you read that clause, there are potential issues with the use of certain feeds if you're selling advertising against it.

  17. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bb1web View Post
    so basically it is saying the same thing as any other situation.

    Don't be using Sipka's content unless Sipka says its okay.

    That about right?
    Basically. Essentially, you have to abide by the terms and conditions set by the provider of the RSS feed. And you can't assume that anything not specified in the T&Cs is OK. That's a recipe for disaster, especially because copyright law can be complicated. Basically, the spirit of the law is as important as the letter of the law in these sorts of issues.

    Also, this should serve as a reminder to webmasters to create T&Cs for any RSS feeds they might be publishing. That way, people who try to use it for their own purposes can't claim ignorance.

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  19. #11
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    Some good points

    Being I offended someone on this board, I have stopped publishing anything about these type of topics. I understand this board is conservative, and I would rather all just get along.

    @Spika, i am sorry if I offended you...

  20. #12
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    Casinojack, you didn't offend me in any way

    I just wanted to point out some pitfalls for other webmasters who will use this technique in practice and it seemed that these aspects just weren't mentioned clearly. I'm sorry if you take my words as an offense, or you thought you offended me in any way, English is not my native, so I might have expressed myself not in the right way.

  21. #13
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    Default Be careful, and always ask permission on using the feeds.

    Be careful, and always ask permission on using the feeds. I have another site discussing Linux and opensource topics, and nearly for my site banned by google.

    I was pulling a linux distros RSS feed...

    I got an email from Google warning me, that if i did not stop, they were going to close my adsense account... not a nice thing..

    I stop I need the cash, and didnt want to scrap the site.

    So i would say it is ok, if you have permission from the Feed owner.

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    I do have to thank you, for reminding me about it, so i can try it again, as the new Wp-o-matic has some nice features like the rewrites..

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