To any of you who would like to answer...
What was this business like for you in the beginning? In particular, I am (and perhaps some other webmasters are as well) interested in knowing how long it took for your site to begin to pay off.
I've read a lot about the heady days of the past, and how they are now only a memory in some ways, and profits are down right now, players are holding back, perhaps, but things are expected to get better. I've read accounts about staggering sums earned by some affiliates, as well as more realistic amounts. After being in this business for only a few months, I can see it's a lot of work (which is very enjoyable), and I still am convinced that this is a viable business, with a great deal of potential in more ways than one. But although the hits keep coming, the conversions have not appeared as of yet.
So what was it like for you when you started? I think others will be interested in knowing.
Best regards,