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  1. #1
    The Buzz's Avatar
    The Buzz is offline GPWA Gossip Hound
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    Default WSOP .NET Advertising

    There is a rumor afloat that the WSOP is no longer accepting .net adveriting. Considering the WSOP made millions of the ads last year (see the table felt in every WSOP re-broadcast), it will be interesting to see if this rumor is true and if so, what the WSOP will fill that space with...

    This is an unconfirmed rumor posted at...

  2. #2
    GPWA Ryan is offline Former Staff Member
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    Default Confirming this rumor..

    Thank you Buzz...

    I have contacted the WSOP and am trying to confirm this rumor. I will update this thread when I have confirmation.
    Last edited by GPWA Ryan; 21 February 2007 at 2:20 pm.

  3. #3
    GPWA Ryan is offline Former Staff Member
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    Default Rumor confirmation

    The WSOP will not accept .NET advertising from sites affiilated with online poker rooms or casinos that accept U.S. players, according to WSOP spokesperson Gary Thompson.

    However, they will allow advertising of ".net's" by media outlets and players however.

    Thompson would not speculate on the rumor that Full Tilt had secured the center felt on the WSOP tables, but given this recent announcement, that no longer seems credible or has changed.

    In a reversal of last year's policy, players will be allowed to wear logos and advertising on their clothing, opening the door for endorsement deals galore.

    I have an interview tomorrow with Jeffrey Pollack, so I will add more details to this thread after speaking with him.

    - Ryan McLane
    Last edited by vinism; 22 February 2007 at 10:46 am.

  4. #4
    GPWA Ryan is offline Former Staff Member
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    Default New Update

    I spoke with WSOP commissioner Jeffrey Pollack yesterday and he told me the WSOP ad guidlines will become available within the next couple of weeks.

    He would not get into specifics except to say that sites not in compliance with U.S. online gaming regulations will not be allowed to advertise at any Harrah property, including the Rio.

    Players, however, will be able to wear advertisements and promote sites. There will be some restrictions, but Pollack called the player advert. guidelines "liberal."

    I will update this thread as more information becomes available.

    - Ryan McLane

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