Age: 33
Hometown: Bucharest, Romania
Living in: Bucharest
Favorite Food: Seafood salad
Must Read Book: Landing Page Optimization, by Tim Ash
When did you launch your sites?
The first site, “,” was launched in 2010. It started with my hobby – sports betting – and then two of my best friends and I decided to launch a site in order to join the online betting community. I was spending a lot of time reading domain-related books, analyzing statistics and betting online. That’s why I wanted to share some of my knowledge online in order to help the betting community.
All but one of your sites ( are devoted either completely or in part to sports betting. Why did you decide to create so many sportsbook sites? Have you thought about branching out into other gaming verticals?
Our first two sites, in the Romanian language, had fast and great success, and we therefore decided to expand to English and Italian readers. Of course, another reason is SEO; it’s recommended for linking similar content sites together.
As you observed, on we’re focused on casino and we plan to expand into bingo, poker, etc.
How did you become involved in the industry?
It’s a simple answer: Sports betting is my hobby!
Your site has a number of "tipsters" who offer betting advice. How did you select these tipsters? And how important is it that they be profitable?
The tipsters are selected from our community of registered users from and One year ago we started a betting contest and the first two most profitable users were selected. Another tipster is a former professional soccer player with great experience in sport and betting. To be profitable is very important because, as I’ve mentioned before, our mission is to HELP the betting community, and if our predictions are correct, our visitors will see a profit.
There's an interesting dichotomy in sites that offer expertise in picking games: If your players make use of your picks and do well, you don't make any money. If your players make use of your picks and don't do well, you lose credibility. As a result, do you root for or against your site's picks?
It’s very clear that it’s a risky business. If you lose your credibility you will not be able to enhance the site’s reputation. Over 60 percent of our increasing traffic is represented by returning visitors. We receive a lot of e-mail congratulating us for the good work. Since the first pick, three years ago, I definitely trust and offer the best picks selected by our team of professionals.
How long did it take for you to start earning money, and which sites currently bring in the most revenue?
It took around nine months to generate revenue. Currently our main site is
What traits do you look for in an affiliate manager? How about in an affiliate program?
At the moment we are focusing on advertising the bookmakers and not on the affiliate revenue.
What advice can you offer people who are just starting up in the industry?
Try to do your best and you will reap benefits. And be patient. The results you want will come if you work hard and smart.
What prompted you to join the GPWA?
I joined the GPWA to present our sites and betting tips to the gambling community.
What do you like about the industry?
The fast-moving pace.
If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be?
I would try to convince the big players in the industry that the small advertisers can bring in a lot of revenue and compensate them for their efforts.
What do your family and friends think of your work as an affiliate?
They are trying to support us.
Do you gamble online? If so, what do you play? Is it fair to assume that you like to bet on sports, given your extensive library?
I am a sports betting fan. At the moment I am not gambling, I am investing in our tips.
How long do you give yourself for answering e-mail? What e-mail tips can you offer?
Usually we answer e-mail within 24 hours. At the moment we are not offering tips by e-mail. The punters have to visit one of our sites on a daily basis to see the free betting tips.
How do you manage your “to-do” lists? Do you use any special software to help you out?
We have some software that we are using, but it really is the special ingredient. I cannot tell you our little secret!!
How much time do you devote to SEO and/or social networking in order to drive more traffic to your sites?
We spend a lot of time doing SEO and social networking.
What’s the most difficult thing about running your sites?
The technical part. We have problems, but at the moment it is not too difficult.
What’s the best thing about running your sites?
The traffic.
If someone were visiting you, what’s the one place you’d definitely take them to see?
Maybe somewhere in the countryside.
When you need to get as far away from work as possible, where do you go?
I try to spend as much time as possible with my friends and family.
What’s your favorite vacation spot?
I do not have a favorite vacation spot.
What’s your all-time favorite movie?
If you were one of the last two people on the planet, who would you want the other person to be?
I cannot think of such a thing. I want to be around more than one person.
What are three things that nobody knows about you?
If I tell you, then somebody will know it and I will have no more secrets!