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    Default Affiliate Interview Series: Zoorana Green - Zoorana

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    Hometown: Singapore
    Living In: Buenos Aires
    Favorite Food: Anything that is spicy
    Must Read Book: 1984 by George Orwell

    Your site provides a listing of casino bonuses and promotions, along with a casino directory and gambling tips. How did you come up with this mix, and how has it been working out for you so far?

    There were a lot more on the list. These ones I've kept are the ones players love to see the most. I've recently added a blog to keep the site look more updated. Now I'm working on redesigning the whole website to make it look more organized.

    How long have you been involved in the industry? What drew you to the business?

    Probably about two years. I started writing casino articles for a friend, and he later recommended that I set up an affiliate site of my own. He's been giving me a lot of advice for which I can't thank him enough. He now helps other affiliates as well on

    Are you a full-time online gambling affiliate, or do you hold down another job as well?

    I would love to be. I need more than just being a full-time mum.

    What do you like about the industry?

    That would be the people. It's such a huge mix. I love working with people from all over the world and of every ethnicity. And the gambling industry is always buzzing with something new. I like that. Repetition bores me. Besides, I get to work from home and I can live anywhere I want.

    What don’t you like about the industry?

    Rogue affiliate programs that still manage to get on with their business.

    What surprised you the most about the industry?

    The amount of online casinos there are.

    What did you do before you joined the online gaming industry?

    I taught English for about seven years. It started when I was traveling in India, actually. The initial plan was to travel a month in India and then go back to Singapore to finish my degree in Interior Design. But then I fell in love with teaching and traveling. So after India, I took a teaching course in Thailand and then went to teach in France, Bangkok and Barcelona. It's been great working and living in other countries and I want to maintain that.

    How long do you give yourself for responding to e-mail? And what e-mail tips can you offer?

    Normally, I’d reply within a day. But if it’s from an affiliate program, I’d wait for a couple of days. Not that I want to be rude. But I’d rather reply to the ones that don’t constantly send me the same messages over and over again. I tend to ignore e-mail on link exchange for now; I’m still not sure how necessary or important it is.

    How do you manage your “to-do” lists? Do you use any special software to help you out?

    No special software, no. I'm just making do with the task list on my Gmail account. I'll never lose it that way. It's convenient too as I see it whenever I check my mail.

    How much time does it take to keep your site updated?

    It depends. I make it a point to come in every day if I can. Maybe spend an hour or three or eight, depending on the workload.

    You’re an avid student of SEO, especially the “organic” variety. What progress have you made on the SEO front over the past year or so?

    There have been plenty of trials and errors. And I’m still learning loads. SEO is a lot more than what I thought at first and I’ve only begun to get a grasp of it.

    How much time do you devote to social networking in order to drive more traffic to your site?

    I'm not spending as much time as I'd love to. It's just Facebook and Twitter for now. But I'm working on adding more.

    You’ve posted that you think pingbacks are “a good thing.” Tell us why – as a true believer in providing fresh, original content on your site – you feel that way.

    I wasn't sure if pingbacks were a good thing. I was surprised to receive it one day from a website that had my whole article up. I thought my content was being copied until I saw that my links were there. So I posted the issue on the forum and I was told that as long as my links were there I should have nothing to worry about.

    You’ve been a GPWA member for just over a year. What prompted you to join, and how has it helped you so far?

    I needed to learn more about the gambling industry and keep myself updated with the latest gambling news. I never thought I'd learn so much from hanging out at the forums. I'm surprised how helpful and friendly the members are.

    You've been a private member for a few months now. What made you decide to apply for private membership? How have you benefited from access to the private forums?

    There are a lot more threads on the private forums for sure, but my main reason is to apply for the GPWA seal.

    Time management is one of the biggest issues facing affiliates. What time management tips can you offer your fellow webmasters? And how much time do you spend running after your one-year-old son?

    I'm afraid I haven't got any. I need more tips than I could give. As long as he's awake, I'm there with him. Thankfully, he now spends four hours each day during the weekdays in day care. I try to do as much as I can when he's away. Soon enough, when he gets more comfortable, I'll be able to put him in school for a full day.

    You recently recommended to someone on the forums looking to get a pet that they should get a tortoise – and yet you have a dog. Please explain.

    I didn't recommend it in a general sense, actually. A member asked what sort of pets are of low maintenance. And dogs are definitely not low maintenance. He also mentioned he's not at home much, so that's why I recommended that he get a tortoise. I saw somebody mentioned getting a fish but then I remembered this friend of mine who has a tortoise and he said it was one of the chillest pets he's ever had. And I reckon it was more fun than a fish.

    You list gardening as one of your interests in your profile. Do you grow flowers, vegetables or both? And what are your favorites?

    It's just a small hobby. I'd love to have a garden and grow sunflowers and my own vegetables. For now, it's just potted plants as I’ve only got a balcony.

    If you could have dinner with any five people, living or dead, who would they be, and why? And since we know how much you enjoy cooking, what would be on the menu?

    1. My aunt – I didn't get to see her before she passed away. She was like a mother to me. I still miss her loads.
    2. Beth Gibbons – I'm in love with her voice.
    3. Bill Hicks – The best comedian ever.
    4. Johnny Depp – I love his movies.
    5. Clive Owen – A great actor, and not bad looking, either.

    Wouldn't risk having spicy food on the menu. Safest would be French food. That never goes wrong. My friends never complain so that would be best.

    How did a nice girl from Singapore eventually come to live in Buenos Aires?

    My partner and I were living in Barcelona before here. The plan was to escape winter since they have the opposite weather here and still be able to carry on with the Spanish lingo. But then we fell in love with this city and decided to stay. It's almost two years and we're still here. I doubt we'll go back to Barcelona, though. I want to go to China next. It'd be good for our son to learn Chinese.

    When you need to get as far away from work as possible, where do you go?

    I take my dog out for a stroll. Walking relaxes me.

    How do your family and friends feel about your work as a gambling webmaster?

    Most of them don’t really understand what I do, to be honest. I tried explaining and the best I could come up with so far is – I do online marketing.

    You’ve told us that you love watching films. What’s your all-time favorite flick?

    V for Vendetta. I just love this film. I can watch it over and over again. I can really relate to the story, especially in today's society.

    What are three things that nobody knows about you?

    I'd rather not have it in black and white. Ask me again when you see me.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to GPWA Dan For This Useful Post:

    Zoorana (19 October 2011)

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    Singapore, Buenos Aires, Barcelona... you are living in some amazing cities here.

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    You recently recommended to someone on the forums looking to get a pet that they should get a tortoise – and yet you have a dog. Please explain.

    I didn't recommend it in a general sense, actually. A member asked what sort of pets are of low maintenance. And dogs are definitely not low maintenance. He also mentioned he's not at home much, so that's why I recommended that he get a tortoise. I saw somebody mentioned getting a fish but then I remembered this friend of mine who has a tortoise and he said it was one of the chillest pets he's ever had. And I reckon it was more fun than a fish.
    I used to have a long neck turtle until my ex's mother drowned it by accident.
    We had 2 big fish tanks. One inside and one outside. The outside one was so they could hang out in the sun and have some dry land. The one inside only had water in it. So she went outside to say "hello", picked up a rock to say hi, then put it down and pinned the turtle's foot to the ground under the water. I was devastated and actually thinking about it now makes me so angry. Stupid woman.

    You list gardening as one of your interests in your profile. Do you grow flowers, vegetables or both? And what are your favorites?

    It's just a small hobby. I'd love to have a garden and grow sunflowers and my own vegetables. For now, it's just potted plants as I’ve only got a balcony.
    I have started growing my own vegie patch. Cos lettuce (which we have started eating), cucumbers and i have a range of herbs (basil, parsley, rosemary and oregano).. There's nothing better than growing your own vegies
    Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
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  6. The Following User Says Thank You to grem For This Useful Post:

    Zoorana (19 October 2011)

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    AFFcoins's Avatar
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    looks like you've lived in some cool places!

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    Zoorana (19 October 2011)

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    Just spoke to davemerry and he told me about this! YAY!!! So happy it's out

    I've been mad busy lately. Just moved from Buenos Aires to The Netherlands. Loads of packing, unpacking and sorting out the new flat. A bit cold here but really nice and am very surprised and pleased at how multi racial this city (Den Haag) is. Just the way i like it!
    Last edited by Zoorana; 19 October 2011 at 11:53 am.

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    davemerry (19 October 2011)

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    Quote Originally Posted by rak View Post
    Singapore, Buenos Aires, Barcelona... you are living in some amazing cities here.
    And now.. The Netherlands!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Renee View Post
    I used to have a long neck turtle until my ex's mother drowned it by accident.
    We had 2 big fish tanks. One inside and one outside. The outside one was so they could hang out in the sun and have some dry land. The one inside only had water in it. So she went outside to say "hello", picked up a rock to say hi, then put it down and pinned the turtle's foot to the ground under the water. I was devastated and actually thinking about it now makes me so angry. Stupid woman.
    No no nooooo. That's just horrible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Renee View Post
    I have started growing my own vegie patch. Cos lettuce (which we have started eating), cucumbers and i have a range of herbs (basil, parsley, rosemary and oregano).. There's nothing better than growing your own vegies
    Oh yes that's the way to go Renee. Bravo! Absolutlely, there's no better way than growing your own. No reason not to when you've got a garden. I've tried so many times growing basil but they're so bloody fragile aren't they. They kept dying on me :S How did you manage that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoorana View Post
    No no nooooo. That's just horrible.

    Oh yes that's the way to go Renee. Bravo! Absolutlely, there's no better way than growing your own. No reason not to when you've got a garden. I've tried so many times growing basil but they're so bloody fragile aren't they. They kept dying on me :S How did you manage that?
    I'm surprised that your basil died! No matter what I try I just can't seem to kill it LOL

    Lots of sun and watering twice a day should do it. Early morning and late at night. Put it in it's own pot too coz once it starts growing you will soon have a small bush LOL
    Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renee View Post
    I'm surprised that your basil died! No matter what I try I just can't seem to kill it LOL

    Lots of sun and watering twice a day should do it. Early morning and late at night. Put it in it's own pot too coz once it starts growing you will soon have a small bush LOL
    Whahhahahaa you're funny. Guess they didn't like me them basil sob sob..

    I watered them every single day in the early morning. A friend of mine said that perhaps i overwatered them. But now you said you watered yours twice a day! Or perhaps it's because i kept them indoors hmmmmm But it did get a fair bit of sunlight though as it was quite close to the window. I had to keep them inside cos when i put them out on the balcony, they attracted the bugs more than the other herbs.

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    Mine get eaten by bugs too, but there is a spray can you can get where you spray both sides of the leaves every 10-14 days and the bugs will stay away.

    Mine are in direct sunlight from about 10am - 4pm every day. I always find that anything grows better outside when it comes to herbs. I'm trying to grow gerberas too and they are just starting to open
    The cucumber plant has started growing out of control. I think it needs it's own pot (or acre of land lol)
    Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
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    Nice interview Zoorana. It seems like the world is your playground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Renee View Post
    Mine get eaten by bugs too, but there is a spray can you can get where you spray both sides of the leaves every 10-14 days and the bugs will stay away.

    Mine are in direct sunlight from about 10am - 4pm every day. I always find that anything grows better outside when it comes to herbs. I'm trying to grow gerberas too and they are just starting to open
    The cucumber plant has started growing out of control. I think it needs it's own pot (or acre of land lol)
    Good job, sounds like you're doing an ace job in your garden. Man how sweet it is to have a garden

    Well, somehow they didn't have the organic ones in Buenos Aires. The store i normally went to didn't have it and referred me to some place far away so i didn't go. I just brought the plant in.

    It's different here in Netherlands though. I went in for a quick peek at the florist downstairs and even though it's the typical sort of local store it seems to have all sorts of gardening stuff. Seeds, herbs, flowers, pots, all sorts of sprays, soil, seems good enough to get some little gardening going on. I'm excited!

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    Quote Originally Posted by cass View Post
    Nice interview Zoorana. It seems like the world is your playground.
    Oooooooooooh 'The World is My Playground', i LIKE the sound of that. Thanks cass

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoorana View Post
    Good job, sounds like you're doing an ace job in your garden. Man how sweet it is to have a garden

    Well, somehow they didn't have the organic ones in Buenos Aires. The store i normally went to didn't have it and referred me to some place far away so i didn't go. I just brought the plant in.

    It's different here in Netherlands though. I went in for a quick peek at the florist downstairs and even though it's the typical sort of local store it seems to have all sorts of gardening stuff. Seeds, herbs, flowers, pots, all sorts of sprays, soil, seems good enough to get some little gardening going on. I'm excited!
    Post us some photos once you get it going!
    Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
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