Gambling, gambling, gambling, it's all about excitement.

So you still want to play a part in the world of gambling?

Well, I'm in the same boat.


  1. The Gambling Webmaster's Grind

    by , 6 September 2018 at 6:25 pm (Gambling, gambling, gambling, it's all about excitement.)
    Well, recently, I started studying work flow: How to get into it and stay in it.

    Now my notepad checklist has ascii images in it that make it more fun to complete. If you want to do it, just save it as a UTF-8 file.

    I also use this as a work trigger: Don't wait to feel like doing it.


    The theme of my checklist is 5% increase in traffic to my sites, per day.

    [B]I am on a mission to be God's best gambling webmaster.[/B]
  2. Average Loss Calculator

    by , 14 July 2016 at 4:21 pm (Gambling, gambling, gambling, it's all about excitement.)
    Oh really? Here's your [B]expected gambling losses[/B]:

    Opinion: The poorly-named "Expected Loss" should be replaced with the more meaningful "Average Loss."