Everyone else has yelled something or other here so I may as well bore you with my thoughts.
I'm no fan of CAP. I hated their tolerance/approval of some programs allowance of spam and CAP's attempts to muffle my shouting about it. My hatred of spam and the damage it does to our industry is very much on record. I'm pretty sure I was very close to being booted from CAP. I nearly walked myself. I'll never really forgive CAP for being so 'okay' with their spamming paid-up programs.
The subsequent BS and dishonesty from CAP during the breakdown did nothing to make me love them and I admit a sly feeling of "got what you deserve". Not perhaps the most mature attitude but there we go.
However. I still post very occasionally at CAP. Despite everything I said above, I have used their forums for years and got something out of it (information/community). I see no problem with repaying CAP with a small amount of loyalty and admittedly very occasional posts. I now post at GPWA far more than I did previously. My loyalty has shifted over here and I feel cleaner for it.
See you all in London - I think we all need to get very, very drunk and have hugs