Just over seven years ago we ran a poll asking Have many times have you disavowed links to your site(s)?
About 60% of those responding said they had disavowed links, about 15% said they had not, but planned to do so, and about 25% said they had not and had no plans to do so.
Since it has been a long time, and the world has evolved, I figure it is time to ask about disavowing links once again.
Search Engine Land published the following article this week: Google disavow link tool will go away at some point
According to the article, Google Search Analyst John Mueller stated on Monday “At some point, I’m sure we’ll remove it. I'm tempted to add something snarky regarding the conspiracy-posts, but I'll hold my tongue.”
Bing has actually beaten Google to the punch, removing their disavow links feature in October of last year, as noted in the article Bing Webmaster Tools disavow link tool is going away.
According to Bing spokesperson Fabrice Chanel “We have invested heavily in developing and improving our artificial intelligence capabilities, which enables us to better understand the context and intent of links, as well as the trustworthiness and authority of their sources. We can now differentiate between natural and unnatural links, and we can ignore or discount the latter without affecting the former.”
Besides voting in the poll, please share your reasons for using or not using disavow tools. And, especially if you have used them, please share our thoughts about the tools and the extent to which you have used them.