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  1. #1
    Puma's Avatar
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    Default To forum or not to forum. That is the question.

    I have decided to remove the forum side of my site and will do so in the next fww weeks. To me it seems that the only purpose of a forum is to promote free chips to people who ( 90%) have no intention of depositing. I find visitors love free stuff but very rarely do I see banners and links from the forum showing deposits. However the website side shows income. How do other webmasters feel about the traffic their forum receives? Do you also find it is not worth the time to maintain? Do you find forums lead to free chip bonus hunters? Does it take valuable time away from your job that could be used to work on the website aspect of your SEO?

    Id like to hear what others think about having a forum or not having a forum.

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  2. #2
    GamTrak's Avatar
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    Keep the forum, but use it mainly for content. Having my forum has given me a way to post the content to be available for SE's that a portal will not allow due to the real estate limitations of the home page.

    Good luck!

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  4. #3
    Chips's Avatar
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    I agree with Robin, it is another avenue to expose content. I maintain a forum mainly due to the fact it is a poker forum and we run private games. I have seen what happens to forums that free chip or in the case of poker, ND bonus and freeroll.

    We are not a big forum but we run private buy in games and they are well attended. It is more of a social thing than a money engine. I make tons more off of the blog and website than the forum but, we need a gathering place to share passwords and such. I still try to update with promos and new deals etc. but is usually a duplicate (yet original) from the blog.

    It can surely drain you, and if you are cast as a freeroll forum it goes no where. Perhaps if you had casino slot contests and forum competitions it would be more of an asset to you.
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  6. #4
    smathe77's Avatar
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    I used to have a forum myself, but the darn thing just wouldn't take off. Finally, when some posters started trickling in ( I never actually expected it to generate any revenue) someone hacked into it and installed some malicious code which made Google add the dreaded "this site may harm ur computer" tag to my site. That kinda did it. Tossed it all out and never looked back. Didn't have hacker problems either since...
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