If you have any more questions, I can answer any more of your questions, as I have been a godaddy reseller for some time.
If you have any more questions, I can answer any more of your questions, as I have been a godaddy reseller for some time.
I was reading your lest post and was into the serious stuff pretty deep when the Godaddy joke popped out. Thanks for the laugh.
And thank you for the time it took to explain in generalities about download speeds.
You are appreciated.
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No problem Cathy,
Be sure to also read the thread that Aussie Dave started in the private section.
It might also provide a little more insight into what is going on and I recommend you make sure that your issues are not restricted to only certain times of the day.
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livecasino (1 November 2010)
Ok we have had our fun with the "Establshment" meaning Godaddy. Their support is helping me with my slow load speed. I have a few DED in the UK picked out to transfer my site to. But I wanted to investigate with Goddaddy a bit more befor I jumped ot of the frying pan. I have a few years behind me now so I now do that.
I saw this great tool Google has set up called mod_pagespeed
It auto optimizes your server. Sounds fantastic. Google literature says that in their test, on average the website ran twice as fast. It needs to be installed in the server so I phoned Godaddy to have it installed and to look at my server at the same time to see if they can help trouble shoot my slow load. I was blaming the slow load on them so they were very attentive. I had to paying 25$ to sync my Db password and username so they could access the server. They did find some grave issues with my site and recommended I fix it before trying out the mod_pagespeed.
The Expert Hands emailed. Here is what he said:
"When I logged into SSH on your server I ran top and noticed you only had 160 megs free of RAM which is pretty low. I left this screen open and tried to browse to your site. While your site was trying to load your CPU usage went from 0% used to 100% used while the site was loading. This was with just one request to your site. Having multiple requests at the same time will cause the site to load even slower. The issue resides in the coding of your site."
So that was great information. They did not charge for the troubleshooting probably because it was related to the mod_pagespeed i wanted to install. So one up for the Establishment at any rate. By the way the wanted 50$ for the installation of mod_pagespeed.
I am thinking that I need to dump the WP template and just have a normal template made up. But I have a lot of useful plug-ins, if missing would require a lot of hand work in a normal template and I am used to WP.
Universal, do you feel that I could just get a simple word press and have a Freelancer.com worker remodel it. Would this be practical?
I am still trying to understand exactly what he meant by the 160megs free of ram. I would image this is the small bit of rams open after maxing the CPU.
Wikipedia(The central processing unit (CPU) is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, and is the primary element carrying out the computer's functions. )
So this is all very cool. We are learning the basics.
Thanks for all the help.
Your using a lot of plugins.
Did you know some plug-ins are not compatible with others. This could likely be causing coding issues. Which is going to screw around with your dynamically generated output coding (html).
To do a quick check, I suggest Deactivating all your WP plug-ins and see how quickly your site loads without any plugins. If that improves the speed, go back and activate each plug-in & re-do the test.
If it's a plugin issue your site should load ok until you hit the buggy plugin. If that's the problem then either find another plugin or don't use it.
However if after running the tests and it's still loads slow it could be the site theme that's got issue with it.
Did you or David do this coding or did you hire someone to do it for you?
If you hired someone I'd be going back to them to fix the coding issues.
One issue that maybe causing the strain are the images in the rotational header on you home page. Each image weights in at around 75K each. With 10 of these images being served that's 750Kb (3/4 of a Meg).
Looking at your output source code on your home page, I can't find if these images are pre-loaded. If they are that's maybe why things are running super slow.
Basically what's happening is whilst your site/server is loading all the other plugins, javascripts, CSS and page content (including other images and banners and flash banners from other sites), it's also having load the 750Kb of images in your jQuery rotation feature.
Personally I'm going to stick with my first opinion that the site is over encumbered by too much bling. We've established your Godaddy server is not a power house to begin with. So trying to feed up everything on site and expecting it to load quickly ain't going to happen no matter what you do to the code.
JMO here's a couple of suggestions:
- Hire a decent web developer to design a WP theme and set-up that up to specifically run the plugins you want.
- Grab your self these two books "html for dumbies" and "CSS for dumbies".
WP press is a great CMS/blog script. Personally I'd use that over anything as it's easy and straight forward to use. However I'd be visiting www.wordpress.org and studying their "How To" documentation. They have some really good free info on site. If your going to continue with WP then you need to know how to run it properly.
Last edited by Former Member 14; 6 November 2010 at 9:15 am.
livecasino (7 November 2010), pgaming (6 November 2010)
Great suggestions Dave.
Yes the heavy graphics could cause part of the slow down, but I think Dave is right and either one of the plugins is causing the problem or a bad piece of code in the template is the issue.
Take Daves suggestion and disable all plugins and see if you get the speed back, if it is still slow then the template is the issue.
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livecasino I know you are newish to this forum and are learning on a daily basis. Another thing you need to learn is that you must not hijack other peoples threads with information that is not really related to the initial post.
You have now changed the topic of the thread completely from what TopBoss started with. You have already created a thread relating to your issues with your website elsewhere on this forum. Dave, Universal, myself and other members have pointed out numerous times that you have too many images per page and that is one of the main reasons your site is so slow.
I don't mean to be rude but just want to point you in the right direction. Some people find hijacking of threads extremely rude. It's good that you are asking questions but do it in a related or new thread.
pgaming (6 November 2010)
Hmmmm I guess I forgot this was Heather's thread originally....
Her servers aren't slow....geez I feed the hamsters in the wheel of a few of them myself.....
Moral of the story I guess is to make sure your host has plenty of healthy hamsters....
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
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GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!