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I know Sherlock has posted his views on it numerous times here. He's solid as a rock is.
I should probably shut up, but ok, I am still human too, with his sins and weaknesses, so idk if I am solid. People who knew me were sometimes rather disappointed, that I am liquid. In reality not so strict as on forums. And I admit that. Internet forums are one thing; complex reality is something else. Maybe it should not be. But as the donkey said, onion and our mind has many layers. So in reality I do not tell people who are gamblers straight away they are f****** i*****. I also do not feel guilt all the time, because there is not just consciousness.
There is the larger part of human mind and that is subconsciousness. And one can very well be subconsciously guilty and that is the real problem that goes further than to us (one example: my exes/relationships/employees broke, because I did not pay attention to that kind of guilt in people). Conscious guilt is not so big problem, because it does one feel uncomfortable and it leads to some solution. Subconscious guilt is something that can manifest as disease or some other kind of self-destruction.
So I think it is good to remind ourselves about the issue over and over again. Because the concern here are not the gamblers, who have their own battle. The concern is us.
Human society and the coherence of it simply undeniably depends on mutual feeling. I see someone suffering and I either feel his pain as my own or that pain should progress to my subconscious pain. That was a condition for our survival. People who did not have this (autists and such) were not fit for survival. Since we and our genes are the ones who survived, we indeed must have this inside.
Now the problem is not just affiliate marketing, but capitalism as whole. Drifter said "What about the bookies? Do they feel any guilt????" and that is the point. Bookies are just some shareholders. The whole capitalistic system of stockholders -> high management -> middle management -> low management -> clerks was built=survived=is the best, because it can dilute the guilt. Stockholders are so far from everything; and then everyone is just "working for someone else". The dirtiest job is made by those at the bottom, but exactly as Strider points out, those people at the bottom struggle on their personal level, so they can justify to themselves what they do, because they do not take pleasure out of other people, because simply, they do not have much of their own pleasure.
Probably you know the Adolf Eichmann defense. He said "I had no authority and I was just following the orders". The nazi camps are not just horrible because millions of people were killed there. Nazi (and non-nazi) camps are horrible, because they are a mirror to modern society with labor (and guilt) division. This is btw why radical left is making analogy between fascism and capitalism, but even the Soviet camps were equally ugly and used the same logic. And at the bottom, doing the worst job, were not the guards, but some privileged prisoners. Can they be guilty? Indeed, they can.
Our "problem" is that our job is specific. Until now the show could be run like one man, so we can not hide the guilt between more people. And also we can see all the stats (but affiliate softwares do everything for us not to see it : ).
One can wish the beer betting, but it is just a comfortable lie that is great. Lie that is spread by betting companies and is effective. The society and employees can think there is something like responsible gambling. In fact, it is not. Gambling is actually beating even the 80-20 Pareto rule. We live from desperate rich people and desperate thieves. Numbers do not lie. Look at the programs where you can track players.
CPA is another way how you can throw away most of your money and buy your innocence. Even CPA works with average value and that average value means, that most of your players will not bring the CPA value but one of them will bring much more. You can buy your innocence by cheering then, fine. But it will not change anything in reality.
It is obvious that nearly everyone wants to live in peace, not to feel like a monster. Even Adolf Eichmann. But in fact we are all monsters. The nazi leaders even admitted it when they started the "project". They talked about guilt and how they have to accept it and leave other people innocent and bring the greater good.
It is as always up to anyone. How much we decide to play the game of life and how much we want to deny the things. Personally I am trying to be grateful. That I am not the gambler in first place. Then also that this madness gives me a strength and I can try some new things about life itself, because it is like running from the burning house. And in the end, god loves those who try, so I am somehow automatically getting some protection and good life after all. I really do not think that denying the reality is the solution. But indeed, most people will always choose the denial and it must be like that.
If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.