Based on a recent post by the GPWA Member FCR, I did a few quick searches on the laravel php framework and discovered a few companies are offering site development tools that use the framework.
There are a number of 3rd party development tools listed here that use the framework. Some are free and some require licensing.
This is interesting and based on how overly bloated that wordpress seems at times, this piqued my interest enough that it is worth a look.
One place had a short video showing what they offered, and besides a small bit of learning curve learning what functions are where etc, it did look interesting and I think I would like to test this further. (FREE)
Anyone that has used this, please provide more insight as the what you have discovered and any pros or cons you have seen so far.
I personally would like to hear of the best free choices of environments anyone has experience with so far as this would speed my prpensity of giving one a test drive.