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    Default Laravel framework and recommended interfaces

    Based on a recent post by the GPWA Member FCR, I did a few quick searches on the laravel php framework and discovered a few companies are offering site development tools that use the framework.

    There are a number of 3rd party development tools listed here that use the framework. Some are free and some require licensing.

    This is interesting and based on how overly bloated that wordpress seems at times, this piqued my interest enough that it is worth a look.

    One place had a short video showing what they offered, and besides a small bit of learning curve learning what functions are where etc, it did look interesting and I think I would like to test this further. (FREE)

    Anyone that has used this, please provide more insight as the what you have discovered and any pros or cons you have seen so far.

    I personally would like to hear of the best free choices of environments anyone has experience with so far as this would speed my prpensity of giving one a test drive.


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  3. #2
    DanHorvat's Avatar
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    Laravel is basically an easier way to code in PHP. It results with slower code but saves a lot of man hours.

    I personally prefer PHP since I have full control of what's going on.
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  4. #3
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    Hey Rick, Keep up updated on how your CMS on Laravel project goes.

    There's nothing better than a well supported PHP framework. Well, there are better things, but that's the feeling I have when using Symfony PHP framework. Laravel was orignally made from Symfony 2v. Laravel has a more intuitive process, and bundle integrations. I haven't used Laravel in a production environment like I have in Symfony. I do have extensive experience Symfony however.

    There are a few myths about Symfony and Laravel.
    Quote Originally Posted by DanHorvat View Post
    Laravel is basically an easier way to code in PHP. It results with slower code but saves a lot of man hours.

    I personally prefer PHP since I have full control of what's going on.
    Is it easier? Yes and no. If you are a PHP developer, then developing applications using Symfony forces you to use best practices at the time of version release. This means that auto-loading, and using the controller / service paradigm are the standard. In my opinion should be used by default. So easier is not really the case. You can find third party bundles with rich features that you can integrates into your application, which is easier in the short term. Certainly debatable in the long term.

    Slower or Faster? Symfony is fast in larger applications. You only load the classes you need on every call on a cached system.
    If you compare it to a one function small application it is a little slower, but not as much as you might think.

    They say that Laravel and Symfony are backwards compatible. That's not the case though. Symfony has a hard version update every two years. Going from V4 to V5 took me a while to refactor regardless of their claims. I don't know about Laravel, but I imagine it's the same.

    I do know that you can use micro applications on Symfony, which is pretty cool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DanHorvat View Post
    It results with slower code but saves a lot of man hours.
    I don't like the sound of "results in slower code"

    However, I may put it up on something to have a toy around with it, I wasn't impressed with a few of the environments and what they had as prerequisites and the time factor that might be necessary to give it a go, but I will dig deeper later and see.


  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanHorvat View Post
    Laravel is basically an easier way to code in PHP. It results with slower code but saves a lot of man hours.

    I personally prefer PHP since I have full control of what's going on.
    As for me, it all depends on the problem that needs to be solved. To create large projects, PHP slows down the programmer too much.

    In any case, Laravel sites are much faster than WordPress.

    I can advise these sources that my programmer used:
    Maybe it will help someone.

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    Now I do like thee sound of laravel sites being faster then WP, and tat would be the motivation to at least give the frame a try.


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