1 deposit
This **** can be depressing huh?
Is your traffic from search engines? if so then you should have more than one depositor with 63 downloads.
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Again, I think that depends on the keywords they are coming in on....and also the property sent to.
I also think that as the industry becomes more competitive, this number may change even more.
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If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
That is depressing. Here is one for you.
50 signups
No deposits
All of this from one casino. No deposit bonus is killing me.
I always recommend you contact the affiliate program and ask if they maintain records on the IP address of the download... many do. Then, do a reverse DNS lookup on that IP Address... xhttp://remote.12dt.com/rns/
The stats may be inflated due to search engine spiders or other bots, depending on the way the program tracks downloads.
And even worst 12 downloads 6 singups 1 deposit.
Actually, Tony, those aren't bad stats at all. You don't grow in this biz overnight.
Matt - cool link there, thanks!
- Cindy
here another one :
Number of Downloaders: 58
Number of Players: 26
Number of New Depositors: 1
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Heres something to make you feel better
Number of Players: 661
Number of New Depositors: 4
Lol one in 165
Unfortunately, I think I decided to target the wrong keyword. My main keyword is "online casino games".
I am getting about 30 visitors per day from MSN... none yet from google.
I think all the search engine traffic coming to my site is looking for games to play for free.
Here's a look at my last search engine visitors...
27 Mar, Sun, 05:19:36 MSN Search: free online Casino
27 Mar, Sun, 06:27:37 MSN Search: casino
27 Mar, Sun, 06:46:59 MSN Search: casino games
27 Mar, Sun, 08:20:38 MSN Search: free casino online games
27 Mar, Sun, 09:44:56 MSN Search: casino games
27 Mar, Sun, 13:52:35 MSN Search: free casino games
27 Mar, Sun, 14:58:03 MSN Search: online casino games
27 Mar, Sun, 18:16:28 MSN Search: casino
27 Mar, Sun, 20:13:48 MSN Search: casino games
27 Mar, Sun, 20:20:11 MSN Search: free casino games
27 Mar, Sun, 23:06:17 MSN Search: casino games
27 Mar, Sun, 23:28:08 MSN Search: to download free casino games on computer
28 Mar, Mon, 00:36:42 MSN Search: free casino games online
28 Mar, Mon, 01:01:07 MSN Search: FREE ONLINE CASINO GAMES
28 Mar, Mon, 02:55:05 MSN Search: online casino games
28 Mar, Mon, 04:36:03 MSN Search: free casino games
28 Mar, Mon, 06:56:15 MSN Search: casino games free
28 Mar, Mon, 07:07:12 MSN Search: free casino games online
28 Mar, Mon, 07:28:37 MSN Search: casino games
28 Mar, Mon, 07:54:47 MSN Search: casino games
Yep, it looks like you've got a lot of people searching for free stuff; that can always affect your download/deposit stats.
- Cindy
Ahaha I have better...
(these are stats on a few months)
$625 out of 148 players and 267 downloads... on 12 depositors, it is $50 per player In this case, a good $150 CPA would have been three times more interesting!!!Number of Clickthroughs: 1648
Number of Downloaders: 267
Number of Players: 148
Number of New Depositors: 12
Total Initial Deposits: $1,130.00
Total Deposits: $3,375.00
Net Win: $4,836.33
Coupon Amounts Awarded: $1,450.00
Manager Credit Amounts Awarded: $1,122.00
Chargebacks: $0.00
Progressive Game Adj: $282.33
Net Profit: (Net Win - Coupons - Credits - Chargebacks - Progressive Game Adj) $1,980.00
Amount Deducted for Banning: $46.62
Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $76.08
Amount Added for Reversed Bans: $0.00
Amount Earned: $623.46
Amount Earned From Tiers: $0.00
I can sympathise with that Max - Im getting similar results - this works out at $42 per player Its the manager credits and coupons that kill it for us
Number of Clickthroughs: 4749
Number of Downloaders: 3758
Number of Players: 4283
Number of New Depositors: 138
Total Initial Deposits: $4,322.99
Total Deposits: $44,871.59
Net Win: $185,438.28
Coupon Amounts Awarded: $133,202.75
Manager Credit Amounts Awarded: $34,496.35
ChargeBacks: $0.00
Net Profit: (Net Win - Coupons - Credits - Chargebacks) $15,381.59
Amount Deducted: $1,096.90
Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $0.00
Amount Added For Reversed Bans: $172.18
Amount Earned: $5,912.51
that's 13% rev share.... nothing more to say. Better to send your traffic elsewhere, Pam.
On the subject of bounty hunters:
Number of Downloaders: 550
Number of Players: 601
Number of New Depositors: 7
Total Initial Deposits: $225.00
Total Deposits: $635.00
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I dare not tell almighty Google anything, it ALWAYS does the opposite of what I request