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  1. #1
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    Default My experience with 138Partners: affiliate program for 138 sports betting & casino

    After a few days of posting in a thread created by me about self-excluded players, I have decided to open a new one, where I'll publish the full story how 138 Partners deny to provide proof on self-excluded player's deposit refund or pay my % of the revenue.

    Probably many of you have read my last thread about self-excluded players, so I will write as short as possible about the situation.
    So, in December 2017 a player registered, made a deposit, played and lost a few hundred pounds. In January 2018 the same player deposited £8,000 and lost £6,871.

    During January and until the 10th of February my earned commission was near £2,000, but when I checked it again a few days later, the commission had disappeared. I immediately contacted with the aff manager, who told me that maybe there was an issue and in a short while he'd get back to me with the clarification.

    The next day he wrote me, that everything was correct, meaning I didn't have that £2,000 commission, because there had been an issue related with the data and my commission was only a few dozen pounds. I asked him to check it again, ask the financial department or central management to double-check the stats and give me an official answer about this issue.

    After a few days he came back with the same answer: the data is incorrect and unfortunately they can't do anything, my commissions are £3.25 pounds.

    A few weak later I send him a screenshot, where all deposit and lost data was shown clearly: the player had deposited £8,000 and lost £6,871, however, in the commission tab was nothing.

    I asked him to clarify, how it is possible not to have revenue from the lost amount - the stats obviously state that fact. The aff manager responded me that he assumed the player had been seen as fraudulent and his account had been closed. I asked him to send me an official response.

    Lately he responded me that the player had self-excluded and his account was closed. Then I asked him to provide proofs on that and whether the player self-excluded and closed the account.

    The reply was that they couldn't provide me any proof, the details about the players are confidential and they couldn't give any information out.

    I asked him again to provide any official document stating the refund of self-excluded player, because if they don't refund the player, his deposits are revenue for the sportsbook and I have the right to receive my share as the player was referred from my website.

    The response all the time was the same, they can't provide such document and proofs neither about self-excluded player, nor the refund. Also he started talking about trust and legit business, but as I had wrote him and here as well, the trust isn't constant, it can be lost or gained.

    As you have noticed, they have had three different versions/answers about the result: incorrect data, possible fraud and self-exclusion. Taking into the account, that the information that the central management and the affiliate managers have can vary, I don't exclude any of these three scenarios. All I need is an official document that the player has been refunded, otherwise my share from the revenue sportsbook7casino had from the player's deposited and lost amount.

    This is the short story, if anyone has a question I am ready to answer. Thanks for your time.

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    A notification and invitation to participate and present their position about the issue on my threads has been sent to 138Partners. I hope they would be interested to express their opinion and find out a satisfactory solution for the both parties.

  4. #3
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    Just a little but important update - after a few email exchanges with the affiliate manager at 138Partners, he sent me a partial proof about self-excluded player. The screenshot states that the player had self-excluded and his status was "With Warning". The player's login name is equal to what I have on my dashboard.

    Besides that they say that "Because of the account risk warning we are at potential risk of chargeback". I accept that, but as far as I know, the chargeback has some time period, it can't be forever and I asked them to provide me the maximum period of chargeback when the self-excluded player has the right to request a refund. Still waiting for the response...

    I accept, that the partial proof is a good step in this process, but it's not complete, they still have to prove the fact of refund, which can be done or not with its consequences. I will continue to post here any news regarding to the process.


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  6. #4
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    I'm glad to announce that the issue with 138Partners has been resolved. After almost 9 months of talks, investigations and a lot of nervous moments the program paid the commission which was generated from the activities of self-exclude player.

    I would like to say thank you to forum members for their support and a small, but important advice: make screenshots of your significant stats, they surprisingly disappear sometimes.

    As this thread is related to this one and I created them both at the same time, I will post an update there too.


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    That's excellent and welcome news, vardan Congratulations! Finally, it's about time they paid you out your affiliate earnings.

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  10. #6
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    Well done.

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