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  1. #1
    Vladymyr is offline Private Member
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    Default Problem with Entraction

    Good afternoon.
    I am one of Russian-speaking poker affilates and I’m involving players in poker rooms, by my website.
    I have signed partners agreements with 15 poker rooms and for some years of work, never was any censures, as from poker rooms, as from players.
    One week ago my IP was blocked by two poker rooms: GoPlay Poker and Perpetuum Poker. I think, everybody know that both these poker rooms are part of poker network Entraction.
    I have written the letter to a support service both poker rooms and they told me that my partner programs, by order of Entraction are blacklisted.
    Thus, from me in GoPlay plays more than 500 persons and though loss of similar group isn't critical for me, but all the same causes rather unpleasant emotions.
    In my understanding that has occurred is a usual larceny poker networks. They didn't explain me what was my guilty, though I wrote in the messages that is ready even to call and talk as I didn't break any rules of a network. Also I wrote that I am ready to prove the innocence and to give everything that will be for this purpose necessary, but they don’t talk to me at all, what my fault is ?. The standard reply was: ”we can break off the agreement and we broke it off”.
    At once I want to tell that, my partners would never play poker rooms of this network.
    I never paid illegal rakeback to players and there cannot be any facts that challenging it.
    I didn't transfer the password and login to anybody, even to the partners as I know that it can cause occurrence of problems.
    Moreover, we put up money, in advertising of this poker networks and it was recommended for game to the beginning players.
    In general, the given situation is rather sad. The poker network blocks without assigning any reasons, one of poker rooms doesn't do anything for the help or understanding of the situation, the second though participates, but is very languid and without what or initiatives.
    It would be desirable to learn what I have to do in this situation ? Why the partner program with more than 500 players, can be simply stolen with a poker network and how it is possible to struggle with it?
    If there are representatives of Entraction, it would be desirable to receive some explanation of current situation.
    My partner nickname in GoPlay Poker thickfish2
    The given letter will be duplicated on all the largest Russian-speaking poker forums, English-speaking and GPWA

  2. #2
    thedeal is offline Public Member
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